On my shoulder
First off Happy Rezday Cajsa Lilliehook of It’s Only Fashion.
What a week, it has been ages since I did a post. This week I moved, not far. Then I got cable installed, yay for more power, but that came at a price because the day after my pc went kaputski. You have never seen anyone move as fast as me in this situation, I was on the phone to Mel asking him to log onto Officeworks lol, and tell me what PC I needed for all the things I do. Then in a cab and back home all in just over an hour. With a brand new pc lol. It is so delish, but it is kind of freaking me out too, it makes way more noises than my old one, not the machine, but like when I click on things, or go to do something. It has windows 7 and that just makes everything seem shinier.
I am totally focusing on the plus side though, like seriously I have lost 3 years of work on my old one, everything from PS in layers, all my logos, HF work for all three years. All my textures for The Deck for the builds and so on… serves me right for thinking I could make stuff, even all my new house textures and sculpties are gone. So today, to cheer myself up I bought a kit off Xstreet, and then changed it so much that I don’t even remember what it looked like to begin with lol. For some reason I work better that way, I can’t start from scratch in most things, but I can mod until it’s own mummy wouldn’t recognise it.
Even funnier still, to me. I made lipsticks for todays skins and it ended up costing me a million lindens – exagerating – and then I realised that they will only ever suit this skin, so I will have to make new ones all over again for others. It’s all learning, so no harm no foul. I have actually put them at Flair @ The Deck for free for a while, on the walkway in a blue box, so stop by and pick them up if you have the same skin. Remember though they are tattoo’s so will only work with viewers that let you wear them.
Anyway moving on, so I am wearing the Mima skin by LAQ and she is an asian beauty for sure. I was so excited to be able to also get my hands on the latest hairbase and eyebrow tattoos you can buy seperately from LAQ and I just had to, had to get the red and the blonde. I have been loving the red hair base and brows the most with Mima, the blend of eurasian – on my shape – and red hair is just awesome. It also gave me an excuse to buy some more hairbase styled hairs.
The two pic pics are me in 2 of the lipsticks I made today, so you have to look at the montage pics to see the real make ups as they are, and truly they do not need lipstick to enhance them, they are just divine. All of the Jewelry I am wearing today is from Puarangi by Hibiscus Flossberg, the first set is so neat, not only is it really pretty, but you get to choose the gemstones you want, and there is a great selection to choose from. I couldn’t resist showing that sometimes I can really rock the purple, plus the other day Whimsy tried to demand another purple week from me, so this is what she gets :P.
The ruffle rompers are from Aoharu, as are the fantastic western boots and fringe sandals, incredibly crafted, with resizer scripts. After you get them to fit you though, be sure to delete the scripts, because with that many prims they wont let you tp too easily. The rompers are so frilly and pretty, in long or short options and the tops are so easy to wear with many other items of clothing. Not only are there fabulous solids like these ones, but also some amazing prints. I was wearing the fish ones all week and of course lost those pics on the other pc.
All of the poses used in todays pics are by SLC Body Language, they have a great new AO and poseset released this week, and as usual they are all fabulous to use. So make sure you check them out in the display stands in the store.
I have a new friend, he is in beta at the moment, and is about to come with me to Cajsa’s Rezday Party. His name is Chip, and he is a Jester Bot by Jester Jyraffe. Jester J’s store is full of the most fun toys and items to wear and decorate with. You will find his store at the Deck so make sure you visit for the fun stuff, and look out for the robot, he is way too funna.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: HB 09, Tasha Hair – LAQ
Skin: Mima – LAQ Â
Hair Base and Eyebrows Tattoo V2 Options Only layers – LAQ
Lipstick tattoo Layer V2 Only  – Flair by Sasy Scarborough
Clothes: Ruffle Romper – Aoharu
Shoes/Boots: Fringe Western Boots, Fringe Morocco Sandal – Anexx
Lashes – LeLutka
Tango Set, Rumba Earrings – Puarangi
Jolie Nails – SLink
Jester J’s Robot – Jester J’s
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : SLC Body Language
Equipment Used: VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck