Hair Fair 2025 Applications Open until 20th February
Hair Fair 2025 Designer applications are now open, if you make Hair, Hairbases, Hair addons, Facial Hair (brows, lashes, beards, mustaches) Hair Accessories, Hair Poses and Hair Props we want you to join us for this annual event— now in its 19th year.
This is a charity event to benefit Wigs for Kids…every item sold by participants at the event will donate 15% minimum to Wigs for Kids (Donations can also be made in increments up to 100%.) All items sold by the event and donation kiosks donate 100%.
1 – 6 Exclusives can be sold during the event, and 1 – 6 older Hair related items can also be included in your booth. All items will donate, exclusive or older.
More information and the application form can be found HERE. Join us for this wonderful event.
Morning Pick
Did you know? If an item you create is meant to be modify, but contains no-mod scripts, picking it up may override the modify setting. To fix this, right-click the item in inventory after picking it up, choose Properties, and re-enable modify. Always set permissions on the ground first, not just in inventory, to ensure they apply correctly. Now items will not show as no mod.
I do not get a chance to go out and about that much, when I do feel like a tranquil space though I hop on over to Sparkle Skye’s region Sparkle Enchanted. Not only is her mainstore there, but the landscaping she has done for that region is just beautiful, as well as the other regions that she does landscape and design for.
I wanted to show off this lovely new robe by Mellow Elie and imagined that if I lived in such an environment—with my own waterfall and lagoon—my mornings would be spent swimming, picking flowers for the table, and then making breakfast. Sounds delightful, right?
This robe is wonderful in that it features an outer colour, an inner lining (including the trim), and a sash. If you go for the fatpack, you’ll have all sorts of options. It was released alongside a lounging set of shorts and a tank as part of the Flagship initiative, where various creators are offering items exclusively at their mainstores to encourage in-store shopping, not just event browsing. I also wanted to highlight how versatile the robe is—other pieces fit well underneath, like this great bikini from Cynful. I just love the twist at the front of the top—it’s such a great detail!
It also gave me the perfect excuse to wear the extremely popular Madelyn hair by Mina. This style features a wet/dry system, falling water droplets, and a timer HUD, created in collaboration with Salt & Pepper. Having a good wet-look hairstyle is a definite plus for Second Life photography—it adds an extra level of immersion to your day. To complete the look, I used some older wet-look face and body layers from Izzie’s. They’re so well made and look fantastic!
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Willow Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Wet Body & Face, Baby hairs V2 hairbase – Izzie’s Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Madelyn – Mina Hair Mainstore
Beach Please Bikini – Cynful Mainstore
Ara Lounge Silk Robe – Mellow Elie Mainstore
Seona Slides – Flair – Marketplace
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Muskare (flowers) – LODE Mainstore
Linden Lab Plans Changes to TOS and New Ways to Report Copybotted Content
During a meeting with Philip Linden, Brad Oberwager, and Brett Linden, Linden Lab outlined its plans for managing content theft in Second Life moving forward. The discussion primarily focused on the use of CopyBot viewers and the unauthorised extraction of content from Second Life to a hard drive, followed by its re-upload—either back onto the Second Life grid or onto other platforms such as Roblox, IMVU, and The Sims.
The meeting included a mix of content creators from the Discord group Creators Supporting Creators and members of the Second Life Bloggers Network. Both groups require an application to join—if you’re a blogger, you can find more information HERE, and if you’re a content creator, you can find details HERE.
Please note that the Second Life Bloggers Network primarily serves as a way to syndicate blog posts to their feed. Invitations to meetings like this one were extended by the Lindens, but participation in the network does not guarantee access to future discussions.
This meeting was a follow-up to a previous discussion where creators submitted questions on various topics. The issue of CopyBot use and content theft had been raised earlier but couldn’t be fully addressed at the time. Since Linden Lab had new information to share, they scheduled this second meeting and extended invitations to bloggers so they would be informed about the upcoming changes.
First and foremost, CopyBotting is not the same as a replication of an item— with many influenced by real life media and inspiration being at our fingertips with sites like pinterest and google itself, the chances of this if replicating a RL item are more likely. This doesn’t mean that if you release a halter dress with a plunging back and front, finished with a big bow, and someone else creates a similar design, you can charge in, guns blazing. The issue at hand is the use of CopyBot viewers—specifically, the process of extracting someone else’s content from Second Life and re-uploading it elsewhere, whether for personal use or financial gain.
Lately, there has been a rise in external predators targeting Second Life content. Some come purely to steal, while others—shockingly—are Second Life residents who have decided that taking from their own community is their right. Some even go as far as encouraging others to do the same, turning content theft into a monetised practice.
To make it clear that this behaviour will no longer be tolerated, Linden Lab has taken action. They not only had social media posts promoting these activities removed, but they also eliminated the associated Second Life accounts entirely. This isn’t just a standard ban where someone can return with a new account—this is a full removal, blocking the individual from re-entering on their main, alts, or any future accounts. These recent cases are just the beginning of what’s to come.
They went on to explain that if you have CopyBotted content in your store and are reported and proven to have stolen the work, it’s not just that one item that will be removed—everything in your store will be taken down, whether you created it legitimately or not. However, this does not necessarily mean that previously purchased copies of the stolen content will be removed from customers’ inventories. That said, who wants to knowingly wear stolen content?
I’ve seen a forum post where someone expressed concern that 50% of their inventory might be removed. My question is: why would you assume that half of your inventory contains potentially stolen goods? If you’re conscientious about where you shop, this shouldn’t be a concern at all. The removal of items sold by thieves means less likelihood of people unknowingly spending money on stolen content. In my opinion, it’s a win-win situation. Personally it did not even occur to me that I would lose anything from this change, and if I did wake up and see that part of my inventory was gone, I would be so grateful that I did not have to do the removal myself, because I would be scream crying that it had infected the rest of my precious.
As for those who don’t own a store but believe that stealing for personal use is somehow acceptable—think again. That CopyBotted pair of shoes you saved $1.37 on just cost you your entire account. Linden Lab will wipe your presence from the Second Life grid, along with any alts or future attempts to return.
One of the best ways to check if an item is copybotted in-world, particularly if you believe it’s being sold by someone other than the creator, is to rez the item alongside the original. A demo will work fine for this purpose, and you may want to obtain it on an alt that’s not tied to your main account. Then, switch to wireframe mode (Ctrl+Shift+R) and compare the mesh side by side or even overlap them for more certainty. While copybotted and re-uploaded mesh may be more dense, you should still be able to spot clear indications that it’s the same model. Once you’ve identified these telltale signs, take as many pictures as possible, making it clear which is the original and which is the copybotted version. These images will be useful to include with your report.
Linden Lab understands the various ways store owners acquire their content—this was discussed in multiple contexts during the meeting. They recognise that creators make and sell full-perm products in Second Life, whether through the Marketplace or in-world stores. They are also aware that some people purchase assets outside of Second Life and import them, whether they personally created them or not. However, these types of purchases were not the focus of the discussion. This meeting was specifically about CopyBot viewers and the theft that occurs through their use.
Linden Lab is preparing for the complexities of enforcement, acknowledging that not every case will be as black and white as some might assume. That’s why it’s crucial to have all the necessary information in order before filing a report against another store for this type of theft. They were also asked if people would be removed retroactively, while it was said that they could not do that, it was made very clear that if the offenders were still in Second Life and still selling the items previously reported, they could submit a new support ticket about that item. This is great news for people that had either given up entirely or just about given up on ever seeing anything happen.
Ideally, the original creator should be the one to file the report. With the upcoming addition of a dedicated support ticket dropdown for these cases, the process will be more structured and streamlined. However, if the original creator is no longer active in Second Life and the content is clearly stolen, you can still build a case. Providing comparison images, timeline details (such as when each version was released), and any other relevant information will strengthen a report.
Once again, copying something is not the same as CopyBotting. Be absolutely certain before taking action—this is not an opportunity to take down competition or launch a witch hunt based on personal grievances or assumptions. If Linden Lab detects any signs of misuse, this behaviour will not be welcomed and could even have consequences for you.
Here are some suggestions on how to protect yourself and ensure you have proof if you ever need to verify that your work is your own.
Content Creators: How to Protect Your Work
Keep thorough records of your work. Take occasional screenshots as you develop a release, including your models and textures. Be sure to capture key details like outliner views, layer panels, and work-in-progress stages—showing that a single set of nails (for example) might involve 48 different layers, each adjustable and editable. A CopyBotter won’t have these working files; they will only have the final exported version.
Consider saving your files in stages if that adds an extra layer of security for you. Make it a habit to store these records in a dedicated product folder on your computer.
Another valuable tool for proving ownership is the Beta Grid. The Beta Grid retains all your uploads, meaning that earlier versions of your work—uploaded before the final release—are securely stored on another Second Life server. If a dispute arises, this provides strong timeline evidence.
Personally, I like to see my creations evolve, so I often have multiple iterations of an item over weeks before reaching the final upload. This natural workflow can serve as additional proof of ownership should it ever be needed.
There are several other measures you can take to protect your work, which were discussed during the meeting and later in the Creators Supporting Creators Discord. That group provides ongoing support for creators beyond these formal discussions.
While I won’t disclose the more personalised methods—since we don’t want to make it easier for thieves to bypass protections—the general rule is: the more effort you put into making something unmistakably yours, the better.
One extra step you could take is to take snapshots that only you would have. For example, you could include yourself with your computer in the photo, showing your project on-screen. While this is something you’d only share with Linden Lab in the event of an issue (and I sincerely hope this never happens), it’s another unique detail that a thief is unlikely to have access to, and it would also have timestamps. I often take pictures of my screen when working on something and send it to my Mum—nothing like having a Superfan on speed-dial—that would be considered proof of ownership along with all the other bits and pieces.
I empathise with how much extra work this seems, but good practices are that for a reason. This new system is going to be a benefit to many, but will also in some cases potentially be a hindrance, and we want to make sure that the right people are protected, and only they can do that for themselves.
Stores that Purchase Their Content
When it comes to protecting yourself as a seller, especially if you’re not the creator of the content you’re offering, there are several important considerations. Keep thorough records of all your purchases, both in and outside of Second Life. Always read everything carefully—make sure the product you purchased for 15.00 USD (or even free) is allowed to be resold, and that you’re permitted to bring it into Second Life and sell it. Don’t rely solely on transaction history from platforms like the Marketplace. Take screenshots of the receipt and, if possible, the Terms of Service (TOS) and Terms & Conditions (T&C) for that product and the entire site. While you might have purchased it in February, the rules could change by May, so having proof of what you agreed to at the time is important.
It’s also essential not to advertise your content as original if you didn’t create it. Doing so is asking for trouble. Even though someone else originally created it, it’s still not your work. If a customer sees that exact product at an event or another store, it could lead to a report, and you’re setting yourself up for conflict and accusations of copybotting as both items would most likely be the same mesh.
If you buy models outside of Second Life and modify them in 3D software to make them your own, be sure to take before-and-after screenshots. These records can help protect you if the need arises. If someone were to CopyBot your modified version, you have not only your changes but your purchase history of having bought it correctly to work with—the thief will not have either.
As of the writing of this post, the new implementation of the report via ticketing system is not yet live. I assume that when it is, Linden Lab will release a blog post of its own to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. I’ve come across a lot of information about this meeting, both from others and on the Second Life forum. At one point, I even felt like I was being gaslit, as some things being stated as fact were far from accurate.
The meeting was focused on “strengthening content protection,” and Linden Lab involved the Creators Supporting Creators and Bloggers Network groups because, as mentioned, this topic had come up in past discussions, with questions that hadn’t been fully addressed. So, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to provide clarity, in my opinion. Linden Lab is making a sincere effort to be as transparent as possible about the many changes coming to Second Life. They’re aware of the past accusations about a lack of transparency, and these concerns have clearly not fallen on deaf ears. There are various ways they’re working to increase transparency, and this Zoom call was one of them. Many people attended, but some who could have didn’t.
It’s easy to criticize from the sidelines, especially when you’re not part of the conversation. While I understand that people want information, approaching it in a negative way doesn’t help anyone—it could even cause people to retreat.
The Lindens have started streaming live some of the User Group meetings, allowing people to watch, whether they’re in or out of Second Life, or catch up later. However, this particular meeting wasn’t live-streamed because Linden Lab wanted those attending to feel comfortable and secure in the space, especially since a few of them were live on camera. That was respectful! There were also off-topic discussions during the meeting, with people asking for help with various things, so broadcasting it would’ve meant either getting consent from everyone or informing people beforehand, potentially changing the dynamic of the meeting itself.
Behind-closed-doors discussions aren’t inherently bad. We’ve had these types of meetings in Second Life for as long as I can remember, with NDAs and other protocols in place. This is how things progress, how Second Life grows. We don’t want Linden Lab to close the door on any resident feedback—if that were to happen, we’d lose out on valuable input and meaningful conversations, like the User Group meetings, and it would just lead to a more rigid, one-size-fits-all existence.
p.s no AI was mentioned in the way it has been discussed elsewhere (in regards to the copybot reporting [EDIT]) there was other mention of AI in the call based on things like Marketplace awareness on products etc…that leap was the craziest form of telephone I have ever seen.
Mainstore Monday – Cynful
Today’s Mainstore Monday is Cynful!—in case you didn’t read the title and needed to be told again. I really think that these posts I have done lately have been more musings of Sasy’s historical memory of Second Life, but hopefully you like them.
Cynful is another The Deck tenant of old and an incredibly talented content creator. Over the years, I’ve watched her grow from a narrow side store next to another shop to a whole region of delights and more. She has consistently created wonderful spaces for her customers—venues tied to her own regions and just fun hangouts. Her current mainstore has a lovely beach area outside that’s incredibly chill; you can listen to the waves or some lo-fi tracks while getting your Cynful groove on.Cynful has created other things, not only clothing, shoes, and accessories—she used to have a gigantic pose store called CnS, and I’m using one of those poses in this post. I might be her worst nightmare because I have a box of her items that dates back so far, it nearly turned to ashes when I rezzed it to grab some favourites! This post is a hybrid of sorts because, like many creators, Cynthia started with system layer clothing and was exceptionally skilled at it. She is also almost single-handedly responsible for inspiring some very different “down there” options from skin makers due to how low her pants sat. I’m not even making that up! If I had time to dig through old chat logs, I could probably find one where I was showing skin makers her pants and explaining that their skins didn’t accommodate pants that low at the front. It sparked a mini-revolution once they got on board—and just meant we got even lower pants! I’ve mentioned this before, and I swear it’s true, but unfortunately, that post was on a blog I wrote for that has since wiped all content, it even had diagrams, it was a whole thing.
One of my favourite stories about Cynthia and Cynful is that if I were to unpack that entire box and rez everything, I’d have a complete history of Cynful’s store. She used to send me not a folder, not a bag, but the whole vendor—sometimes with the walls, display poles, and shelves all attached! If I combined them all, I could probably take down a whole region and look wild doing it. You have to understand: these were the days when store vendors were often HUGE. I adore her—she’s quirky, fun, and incredibly knowledgeable about what her customers want. She’s also one of the most loyal people I’ve ever met, in both lives. She travels across the world to meet friends she’s made in Second Life, supports their projects wholeheartedly, and is always motivating. Over the years, she’s gone from system clothing, sculpts, mesh, and everything in between. Her drive and focus are impressive, but she also prioritises downtime—and it shows.
I mentioned in a past post that she used to make denim corsets, and I needed to find mine. Well, I did—and I’m so glad! They came in an underbust version as well as a lace bustier top with trim options in white and black. I’m wearing the topless one here so I could pair it with the upper half of a dress she released many years ago for My Attic @ The Deck. The two pieces look amazing together! Denim was her starting point, and she absolutely nailed it. The pants, as mentioned, are so low they’re even called Orange Bottoms—definitely not to be confused with Apple Bottoms. I won’t be doing a back shot of these because if I do, my phone will probably start ringing, and it’ll be my mum calling to tell me off. I feel like default body UVs hit differently now because I don’t remember that much of my back hanging out, but who knows—maybe it’s because our bottoms are smoother now. In the past, I probably wore these with very long hair to cover up, and I might have to do the same again!
I love having great system layer jeans because they pair so easily with items like thigh-high boots (also from Cynful). It was a breeze to put the boots on over the jeans, knowing all I needed was a BOM alpha layer to hide anything—just hiding the feet was enough because they fit perfectly. I couldn’t resist adding arm warmers from another Cynful set—because you know me and my love for arm warmers!
Cynful is excellent at keeping her customers informed. She has a full Discord server for customer support but also offers a lot of assistance in-world. Her staff are diligent, and she frequently shares updates on Facebook while supporting many other talented creators. I hope you’ve enjoyed Cynful over the years as much as I have. She also has an in-world group, lucky letter boards, group gifts, and often features weekend sale items—plenty of ways to grow your Cynful collection.
To finish off the look, I’m rocking this beautiful hairstyle by Monso from the current round of Kustom9. I chose it because Cynthia used to wear very cool asymmetrical bobs and scene-style hair, and I think she’d love it too.
Cynful Mainstore
Cynful Marketplace
Cynful VIP Group
Cynful on Discord
Cynful on FLickr
Cynful on FacebookFor information on how you (Bloggers) can do Mainstore Monday posts if interested, check out the information HERE.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
CnS Pose (altered) N/A
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Willow Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Lipstain Lipstick, Delicate Eyelashes, Hyperdrive eyeshadow – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Jeans Corset Weaved, Orange Bottom Jeans, Aphrodisia Dress- Cynful (no longer available)
Baby hairs V2 hairbase – Izzies Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Ayase Hair – Monso @ Kustom9 Event (Jan/Feb 2025)
Bisou Sweater Arm-warmers – Cynful Mainstore
Spicey Sporty – Tight High Boots – Cynful Mainstore
X clip on Earrings – Sigma Mainstore
Orange You Glad
Did you know: If you have single-finger statement rings that predate Bento, you can right-click and attach them to the left or right ring finger attachment point, ensuring they stay in place without moving or floating off your hands. This means you can still enjoy older favourites!
The theme for this round of Collabor88 is Uniquely Ugly, and several content creators truly delivered. One standout is Yummy’s owner, Polyester Partridge (I do love some alliteration!). She created the amazing Digi-Pet necklace, which looks like someone reached into an overflowing treasure chest, pulled out everything tangled up, and, instead of wasting precious dancefloor time untangling it, just threw it on—and voilà, Fashion!
One of the great features of Yummy products is the option to purchase either Basic or Customiser editions. The Basic version allows you to change specific aspects, while the Customiser edition lets you go all out—options vary depending on the item. Since the price difference is minimal, the Customiser is worth considering for the extra fun. For example, not only was I inspired to customise the necklace, but once I realised I could tint it, I went all-in with orange, which pulled the entire look together. The necklace comes rigged for various bodies, as well as an unrigged version, making it versatile for everyone. Plus, there’s a demo available so you can try it before buying and fully experience Yummy.
I’m also wearing a much older Yummy ring from a Gacha set—it’s one of my all-time favourites, I truly wish she would redo them as regular releases. I love that I can still use it, as stated in the ‘Did you know’ at the top of the post.
With my orange accessory choice, I paired it with a great tank from Mellow Elie. The soft, realistic fabric is also available in a tucked version to complement her high-rise jeans. The orange tone was just right and looked adorable with the new jeans from The Kiwi Co. The jeans feature ribbons at the back with a variety of colour options, but naturally, I stuck to citrus hues. You can also customise the metals on the buttons and rivets, and the frayed edges add a playful yet polished vibe. They remind me of the ‘80s trend of spending over a hundred dollars on pre-torn jeans, where the holes were carefully sewn to prevent further ripping. I still laugh at how clubs had to update their dress codes because of that trend!
To complete the look, I needed the perfect hairstyle, and the Truth Collective hair by Wasabi fit the bill. The pack I chose had excellent options, and using the tinting function, I created this stunning carrot-to-red shift.
Feeling a bit lonely on my platform, I brought out this adorable terrier pup from Semotion Libellune. He’s one of their Gacha pets and is such a delight! The animations are fantastic, and I even rotated him slightly so he could admire my outfit.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Bang! N/A
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Willow Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Lipstain Lipstick, Delicate Eyelashes – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Rain – Truth Collective/Wasabi @ TRUTH Mainstore
Softest Tank – Mellow Elie Mainstore
Sweet Soul Jeans – The Kiwi Co. Mainstore
Seona Slides – Flair – Marketplace
Digi-Pet Necklace – Yummy@Collabor88 Event
Ladybug Ring (old Gacha) – Yummy Mainstore
Terrier Puppy – SEmotion Libellune Mainstore
Pants Club
Did you know: That often things that bunch up or overlap at the chest are because of the cleavage sliders of your shape. Depending on the issue, sometimes using the slider to separate or join can fix mesh issues in that area, even sometimes when clipping occurs on the sides of the breast area. So next time you demo something that does not sit right in that area, try a shape adjustment before giving up on the item.
For some that may not know, for many years my blog was called Sasypants… I however should have sat on the name, because at one point directly after I gave it up, someone used it for a porn site, so if you ended up there, I am sorry. Now it is some gambling site, but either way, it is no longer mine. I do love a great pair of pants though, it has been a funny occurrence in many posts over the years, one of my most visited blog posts was one called Dance Panties, different kinds of pants, but so funny. Again many posts are all yackity yack about pants, and wide legged ones, especially tailored are my favourites, and yesterday I got a message from Sophia Harlow saying she had been trying to get in touch with me, so when I reached out it was because she had found perfect pants that she knew I would love. She was not wrong, but I did not expect that she would gift them to me, which was very kind of her to do. They are from a well known to me brand collaboration .Shi and a collaboration piece with her partner Messiah. They are not only fantastic tailored wide legged pants, but they are Unisex, which gives them that perfect authentic mens suit pants look that I also love. They come in four different textures and I love each and every one of them, cannot believe Joy stopped at four. I myself once did a shout out to Grazia based on the idea of a perfect pants and top set, that was masculine styling but with a femme approach and now Sophia is calling out to me about these pants, I feel like we have organically created a pants club now.
I knew I had some other pieces from the collaboration of this brand, and could not believe it when I realised that I have never actually blogged this item before. The Qavah face harness I have had for years now, and absolutely love it, not just for the great front it gives, but also for how detailed it is at the back, you will have to check that out for yourself. It is not rigged, so can be moved about as needed, and has a resizing option. It gives fantastic face! I had purchased this hair by Exile the other day when in the store, and then decided to go another route, and as soon as I put the harness on I knew that the hair was perfect for it. I also love all the hairstyles that .Shi themselves have, that also bring a lot of attention to the face, so either way, you will be covered perfectly.
Another item I had not taken for a spin yet is this top by Technofolk, which is a very leaning towards androgyny looks…their ads are wonderful and they also do great pants. This top for me was the reason I mentioned the slider tip at the top of the post, as with my normal settings the zipper was a bit crunched at the cleavage, but luckily for me I know what causes that so an easy fix. I really like the unzipped look also because there are two at the back as well and it just looks very cool, without being overly revealing— I am not a prude, but I am Sasy and like to have all things covered.
Speaking of covered, how hot is this makeup, this is a cyberspace set by Alaskametro, but the recently released Eyebrows by Nuve just matched the whole vibe so well. I actually doubled the layers, using the all black option first then the pink, so that it gave a denser look to the brows. I am feeling very editorial now.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Josephine Eyebrows – Nuve @ Anthem Event (Jan 2025)
Cyberspace Lipstick & Eyeshadow – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Hattie – Exile Mainstore
Corrosive Top – Technofolk Mainstore
Wide Leg Pants – Shi. Mainstore
Seona Slides – Flair – Marketplace
Qavah Face Harness – Messiah x Shi. Mainstore
Skelly Fish Cuff – Tea Soup on Marketplace
Mainstore Monday – Exile (It is still Monday in 11 places)
I was hoping it is still Monday somewhere in the world, because I am fashionably late this week. I got hit with some dehydration, as will happen down here this time of year, and was afk for longer than I would have liked. I looked at the world clock and there are 11 places that it is in fact still Monday, so I just made it, which is funny when you consider the fact that I have to wait a whole day usually to do these posts being a day ahead of everyone else. Which is another reason to do a post on the lovely Exile Mainstore as my Mainstore Monday, because Kavar changes days even earlier than I do.
I have known Kavar Cleanslate now for a SLifetime, and he is not only an amazing content creator, but an amazing person to know. I remember meeting him at Hair Fair 2008 and thinking what a lovely person he is, he was so excited to be in the event. Over the years he has not only created hair, but Skins, Shapes and even Clothing. I have some bits and pieces in my inventory and I am glad to have been able to see that creative journey over the years. One of my favourite things about Kavar is his passion for putting together a look for his releases and the ads that he does for them…there is nothing more fun than going on a Kavar shopping spree journey when he has an idea for an ad in mind and off her runs, he shops hard and fast, it is a delight to see.
His partner is often responsible for the builds and ideas behind the Exile presentation of stuff, over the years I only ever really get to see him when it is a new build, and it is always so exciting to see. Kavar often goes all in too, with redoing all of his previous ads and reworking the whole look of the store/brand. I am still a bit on the fence about that due to one actual hairstyles ad that I absolutely love. Funny how you can get attached to something like that, but I was very sad to see that that hair does not have that ad anymore…THIS is the ad I am speaking of, isn’t it just awesome, to me it was just the most perfect representation of the style. Not that the new one is not good too, I just got attached to the other (I am strange, but we know this about me already).
Kavar is also often thinking ahead, in previous years he worked out that doing a gift item at events like Hair Fair were a much better idea to put out midway through the event, enticing people to come back again. I love that idea, like a second wind of something that you may have hit hard at opening, but really should go back to again and again for little bits you may have missed. I really appreciate that kind of thoughtfulness for an event, because of course that brings back traffic and attention, and when a Charity event, that benefits all. I have seen him do a few things along those lines over the years, and I am sure like myself, everyone appreciates it.
I also really like that Kavar creates styles for Men as often as possible, while men can continue to stay in one hair their whole SLife, he still makes sure to cater to that market, and he does a great job doing it, often creating a very handsome look with it. Again such a fan of his ads. His store layout is easily navigated, and over the years he has done a lot of specialty styles, his halloween themed do’s are often very noteworthy, as well as being creative enough to wear year round, especially in some roleplay situations. Sometimes you can see influence by music or tv, his recent release of a style based on Adele is very on point, he gets into tv shows almost as much as I do, so sometimes that plays a part. I often enjoy the fact that Exile hair leans into the girly girl a lot, the way we play with our hair, more than just leaving it sitting still and perfect, he does half updo’s, pigtails, half updo’s with pigtails etc and so on, he gets that we need all the looks, and his styling huds also deliver those options well.
I enjoy Exile and have done so for nearly two decades, and hope to for more, but at the very essence of Exile is kindness, Kavar just is that person, and I am honored to be able to do a post like this about him and his brand. Make sure you visit Exile as soon as you can.
I am wearing the recent C88 release of Stella hair by Exile, it is a fun style with ribboning entwined through the braids, and I really like the straightened layers on the sides, I love the chunky look of the style overall. I am wearing it with a hairbase by Izzie’s. I put together this outfit to blog a week or so ago, just because I loved the combination so much, that as soon as I put this hair on I knew it was the styling for it. The jeans are those that I mentioned in the past that I got when getting those crazy wide legged sweatpants that I lived in for over a week. Who ever knew we needed ruffles at the bottom of jeans, I just had to own them, they are also so chunky in concept, and I love that about them, girly with an edge. The top is beautiful and I debated so much whether to get solids or stripes options but nailed it with this soft almost denim blue look, that paired perfectly.
Exile Mainstore
Exile on Marketplace
Exile on Flickr
Exile on Facebook
Exile GroupFor information on how you (Bloggers) can do Mainstore Monday posts if interested, check out the information HERE.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Willow Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Baby hairs V2 hairbase – Izzies Mainstore
Cleo Eyeshadow, Delicate Eyelashes, Backstage Lipstick – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Stella – Exile Mainstore
Selena Top – Ascendant Mainstore
Aisha Jeans – Foi Mainstore
Seona Slides – Flair – Marketplace
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Mainstore Monday – AlaskaMetro (who saw that coming)
Did You Know: In the FIRESTORM viewer (and possibly others), you can ‘Protect’ folders in your inventory, locking them in place so they can’t be accidentally deleted or moved. To enable this, simply right-click the folder and select “Protect.” This is an incredibly useful feature, especially for content creators, to safeguard their work.
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of AlaskaMetro—not just her makeup, skins, and clothing/lingerie, but also her work as an overall content creator and Second Life resident. Her folder in my inventory is one of the few I’ve protected using Firestorm’s tools. I’ve been using AlaskaMetro’s creations for years, with blog posts dating back to at least 2008 (on this blog). I had the pleasure of first interacting with her during Another Fundraiser, a massive project where she helped select the benefiting charity. Her philanthropic nature shines through—she often participates in events that donate proceeds to charity and creates bandanas for Hair Fair every year.
At one point, Alaska even attempted to revolutionise Second Life itself. With help from another creator, Namssor, she created a way to replace the default Second Life skin by editing the base files on your hard drive. This was groundbreaking before tattoo layers existed.
Let me paint a picture: before tattoo layers, we had one of each wearable layer—skin, socks, gloves, shoebase, hair, underpants, undershirt, pants, shirt, and jacket (the jacket layer did all the heavy lifting). There were no alphas, no tattoos, no stacked layers. It was medieval. Alaska’s innovation, called Synergy, allowed users to replace the default skin, freeing up the skin layer for customisation. This essentially created a workaround for the non-existent tattoo layer. She invited bloggers like me to test and share this concept, providing all the tools and guidance we needed. This was back in 2009 and remains one of the most exciting memories I have of her and her work. I wouldn’t be surprised if it directly influenced the implementation of tattoo and stacked layers in Second Life.
Alaska is that kind of creator—always pushing boundaries to enhance our experience. Every makeup item has a demo, product images make finding your look easy, and her store layout is intuitive. On her marketplace, she even has a secondary outlet for older creations at fantastic discounts. I once opened 81 tabs to buy everything I didn’t already own!
Her range is stunning, from delicate, wistful lingerie to bold, editorial makeup. She’s incredibly inclusive, creating products like flat chest skin layers for add-ons and other niche needs. If you’re not already an AlaskaMetro customer, visit her main store, play dress-up with the demos, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
I’m wearing AlaskaMetro skin, makeup, and adorable foil freckles that I love. Whether you’re going for a soft look or high-impact glamour, you’ll find it all. I’ve also layered a lovely camisole underneath for a subtle touch. The jeans are by The Kiwi Co. and are absolute must-haves! They include an “inside boots” option, making them perfect for pairing with these chunky, fur-lined, lace-up boots. This feature is so thoughtful, even if it doesn’t work with every boot.The sweater is another standout by Fashionably Dead, with both long and short versions. The oversized sleeves are so fun, completely covering the hands for that cosy, wiggly-fingers vibe.
Finally, let’s talk about this hair by Monso. It’s inspired by Jinx from Arcane—this is the Jinx 2 style. I love its shorter length with tendrils and flyaways. I even switched up my usual black hair for a punky soft pink with dark roots. It’s such a cool look!
AlaskaMetro Mainstore
AlaskaMetro Marketplace Main
AlaskaMetro Marketplace Outlet
AlaskaMetro Website
AlaskaMetro Facebook
AlaskaMetro Twitter/XFor information on how you (Bloggers) can do Mainstore Monday posts if interested, check out the information HERE.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Pose – Lyrium Mainstore
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
Puppy – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Amber – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Ozone Eyeshadow, Lipslick Lipstick, Foil Freckles, Annika Bom Lingerie – AlaskaMetro Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Jinx2 – Monso @ Collabor88 Event (Dec/Jan 2024/25)
Modern Off Shoulder Sweater (Short) – Fashionably Dead Mainstore
Ceres Jeans – The Kiwi Co
Kirito Boots – Breathe @ Tres Chic Event
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Training Day
Did you know: System/BOM Clothing layers, when modifiable, come with their own sliders in edit mode. These sliders allow for adjustments in various directions, offering more than just tinting options. This opens up creative possibilities to use the layers in ways beyond their original purpose. If you’re including these layers in your product, please leave them modifiable—you never know what unique results users might achieve!
It is no secret that I absolutely love BOM (Bakes on Mesh) and the ability to layer looks because of it. We definitely had an easier time creating unique styles when working with system layers exclusively in the past. Being able to utilise it now with mesh gives a lot back and can expand your wardrobe in many ways—some you may not have even thought of.
This look today was built from the tubetop up. I had actually gone to wear it and felt it was a bit too flesh-revealing. Some days you don’t mind, and some days you do. I scoured my inventory for a T-shirt and found one that was a tad longer than the tubetop but had a knotted look to it. While a flat, longer shirt would have been fine, the knot didn’t work. I opened it up in edit mode, it being delightfully modifiable and all, and worked the sliders to make it shorter, sliding it under the tubetop lengthwise while keeping the high neck and sleeves. The result? A layered look I loved. I was all ready to show it to you in the future.
Then I was wowed by these boots. As I live in the future, if you see this and still have time, you can pick them up for a discounted price. However, even if you miss the sale, they’re so worth their regular price—especially if you’re a ballet boot fan. I am, and these are not my first boots of this kind from Azoury. Honestly, if you look at their releases over the years, you have to wonder what goes on in the minds of the creators at that brand—it must be wonderful to have that kind of imagination. These boots come in both classic (it’s funny we call them that now) and PBR texture options. They also come as separate left and right leg attachments. At first, I wondered why, and then realised: obviously, you might have a robot leg or something else on one side and only need one boot. I love that they cater to that thought. Azoury makes products for such scenarios, and from experience, I know there are customers who specifically seek separate footwear.
The style of these boots is undeniably ballet-inspired, with incredible leather work. But it’s the metal encasement at the toes that has me imagining all sorts of barbaric training methods. It’s not just a look—it’s a whole vibe, and I love it.
I had them on, paired with my tubetop and tee. At first, I was wearing random shorts but then realised the creasing details in this mini skirt by Cynful matched the style of the boots perfectly. The skirt’s intricate detailing really stands out for something so small—I had to pause and giggle because it is a tiny skirt. Tiny, but with so much emphasis, and I adore that. It’s actually part of a set that includes a bodysuit with a glorious back design, but that’s for another time.
Just when I thought I was ready, lightning struck—or rather, I stumbled across an ad on social media announcing that KillJoy had released some sleeves. Stop the presses! Off I went, because, as you may know, arm warmers and sleeve add-ons are my bliss. These were a must-have, and they were reduced in price at the time, so I didn’t delay. You might not think you need these now, but trust me, you will in the future.
While I was already dressed, and some might pair these sleeves with a sleeveless look, I loved how they transitioned between my BOM layers, the tubetop, and everything else. They added so much versatility to the outfit. It’s a texture soup, and that makes me so happy. I did increase the gloss on my body for the photo, which added a shine to the T-shirt. While I prefer the matte cotton look without it, the sheen worked well for the picture. You can play around with these settings as you like. The sleeves themselves have three texture panels to choose from: latex, leather, and satin, with some offering extra detailing beyond solid colours.
I finished off the look with this hair I’ve been living in for the past few days. Typical for me, I went to grab No.Match’s latest release at Fameshed—you may have seen it in my previous post and video about the new in-browser Second Life testing phase—but then ended up at the No.Match store itself. I grabbed two more styles and ended up using the third purchase instead of the first. That’s just how I roll.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Pose – Loel Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Willow Eyebrows, Emma Lipstick, Modular eyeliner – Nuve Mainstore
Baby hairs V2 hairbase – Izzies Mainstore
Hair Worn:
No.Company – No.Match Mainstore
Call Me – Mini Skirt – Cynful Mainstore
Tubetop – Thiya Cardigan set – Elikatira Mainstore
Cryptic Sleeves – KillJoy Mainstore
Knotted Tee (Modded for length) – Sn@tch no longer available (but you might already have it)
Velignis Boots – Azoury Mainstore
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Second Life Browser Based Access – Project Zero
Waking up at 4 am for a Bloggers & Lindens Zoom call this morning was one thing, but having my New Year world blown by the announcement that Linden Lab is launching a testing phase for the new browser-based access to Second Life (article and important links here) was something else entirely! We were invited to test it—a ten-minute sneak peek at what the rest of Second Life would experience after the meeting.
It was a fantastic experience! Right out of the gate, being able to load myself, my rather robust inventory, and the world around me in just over a minute was amazing.
This isn’t a mobile substitute, but the accessibility is incredible. I’m seriously considering buying a basic laptop just to take advantage of this option on the go, as it doesn’t require bells and whistles to run. One major perk is that there’s no download or GPU required—it’s instant! The PBR visuals are stunning, and everything loads seamlessly.
To put it to the test, I visited a large event (FaMESHed on opening day) with at least 40+ avatars present. Everything, from the avatars to the vendor images and build, loaded beautifully in about two minutes. I then teleported to Shop and Hop. Although it wasn’t as busy, it’s still a lot to load. Yet again, everything came through quickly. I even tested the editing tools in my booth, and they worked as expected.
Currently, uploading isn’t possible, and the browser version doesn’t save cached chat files. This means IMs won’t save to your hard drive as they would on the regular viewer, so if that’s important to you, ensure you save anything you need before logging off. For a ten-minute testing session, this wasn’t a concern, but it’s something to keep in mind.
For users on PCs or laptops, nearly everything you’d expect from a regular client is here. However, it’s limited to the official Second Life viewer for now. Philip mentioned they plan to approach third-party viewer developers, which could open up more options. For now, there’s no RLV, no derender, and group chats that you may have muted in other viewers will suddenly come alive. Even so, this browser-based option has incredible potential.
Personally, I’m excited about the multitasking possibilities. I often need to have my alt logged in for testing while running Photoshop, Substance, and Blender. If I can use the browser version for my alt while keeping my main on the regular viewer, it’ll significantly ease my computer’s load.
This also opens up opportunities for users in shared environments, workplaces (naughty naughty—back in my day, we couldn’t even take personal calls!), or places like internet cafés or libraries. Imagine accessing Second Life without needing to install software—just log in and go!
I encourage everyone to give this a try, especially if you’ve got an older PC or laptop struggling with PBR or a machine you’ve retired. Testing this could breathe new life into those devices, which is exciting! Share your feedback and help shape this fantastic new feature. They will start testing it through some new residents accessing Second Life for the first time in the coming weeks, and many more things to come, the article provides information as well as links where you can share your experiences with others, and report any potential bugs you may have come across. I think that this as a starting point, is amazing, and adding to this over time is going to just enhance the experience, what a New Year surprise for us all.
Check out Inara Pey’s article in more depth here.Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Cotton Bra and Panties, Willow Eyebrows– Nuve Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Sterling – Yomi Mainstore
No.Outside – No.Match @ FaMESHed Event (jan2025)
Hopeless Romantic Jeans – Fashionably Dead Mainstore
Seona Flats – Flair – Marketplace
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Heavy Lash – Alt 3 Mainstore