
  • Freebies

    DP Serendipity

    Masuri Dryke of DP Serendipity has released a new dress called Audrey. A beautiful maxi style dress, with a definite 60’s Groove to it. It is made in both small and medium skirt, which is fabulous for those like me that are edit challenged.

    I was sent the green image to check it out upon release and it was so pretty, but when I saw the black with the bright pink floral detailing, I had to grab it.

    The Audrey also comes in Brown and as stated also Green, they are all remarkable and now at DP Serendipity if you join the Group, you get a 20% off each purchase discount option. The prices are already such a wonderful bargain this is just extra yummy.

    What I love the most about this dress, aside from the shape and colours, is the naughty factor. One thing I have always loved in dresses is that from the front they can look demure and angelic, and then turn around and BAMM! a little more skin or a deep plunge etc.

    This dress isn’t deep deep plunge, but it does have that same, innocent from the front appeal. The gloves are also included with Audrey and they are fabulous as well. Trying to keep with the name I opted for a black stylish updo look, not so much Miss Hepburn but enough to make you want to spend the day at Tiffany’s.

    The hair is from HCT and is the Vesper style, with Babyboo’s usual lush bangs and tendrils falling. Deciding to break up some of that black I went with the Pink Laque shoes by Storm Schmooz, which I have said in the past are on the edge of conservative in style, but definitely all about the Sexy.

    The skin is one of the NEW skins by Popfuzz and (hearts) Cupcake – the reason I keep doing that in brackets is because the heart symbol doesnt work too well with blogger- It is one of the stunning collaberation skins with the Edition 1 Make- Up, so soft and feminine, its beautiful.

    Also attention to my NEW poses by Long Akward Pose, they are stunners and there are so many to choose from, but make sure you definitely stop by and grab the wonderful FREEBIES Dove Swanson has out at the door. The store is set up beautifuly for trying poses in comfort, you can purchase stands seperately or by pack and each stand demos two packs shown above on the walls…if in any doubt of the contents of the packs go into edit/contents and you will see them clearly named.

    Have a great day all

    xoxo Sasy xxo

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose

  • Freebies

    Alessandra adds colour and the sexy to sl

    A few months back I was shopping with Mel for boots, and we were leaving some mall, but as usual I started bumping into walls and got trapped in mouselook and ended up at the other end of the place.
    Now usualy this is yucky and in that time of me doing all that dizzy inducing stuff Mel had tp’d out and back to come rescue me. But this time there was no yuck but totaly Yummy in the corner booth. I found Alessandra, well one of her satelite stores anyway and I was about to buy it all, when I considered anyone with that much talent MUST have a store somewhere else, and at risk of missing other items we found it. I landed dead centre of the store- Mel goes first, saves time that way 😛 – and OMG I was in Latex Girly Heaven.
    Now there are reasons for the “Girly’ Part of that statement, See I adore the Latex look, but in some cases all that white shiny that people do isnt to my taste, but that is MY OPINION FOR MY LIKES, that is in no way saying they arent great, but just me personaly cant do that alot.
    But Alessandra has a real talent for creating vivid coloured latex that can be worn naturaly and just looks incredible.
    The first items I saw at the satelite store were the Hotpants and Bra Tops ( first pic), they are sold as packs seperately, as in tops in one pants in another, and going into buy mode I was dissapointed to see that they were only on the one layers IN THAT STORE!, when I tp’d to the main I was so excited to see they were on both layers YAY!.
    They also come in two pack type, normal and dark, both consisting of 5 colours and only 90L each A BARGAIN. I adore the style of the Bra Tops but it was the cuteness of the Hotpants that really drew me in, the curled edges are just fab and I would love to see that done on all sorts of fabrics. I have shown a few colours from each pack in the picture so you can see how great the choices are.
    The hair worn in the pic is by TRUTH and is the NEW Ana Lu style, hmmm wonders if thats named after the adorable Ana Lutetia – most likely :o) – I realy love the natural waves to it and its got a beachy dried by the sun look about it. The skins worn in the pics are the NEW Digit Darkes, Darkes Sisters Skins in Brazillian tone Chic-Sprita and Sleek-Brava, look out at Skin Fair for the fabulous 1L Unreleased Skin pack and goodies extras only until Sunday 2nd March midnight.
    The second picture is the incredible Glitter Suit, that comes in 9 different colours, the style is delish , but not only the style LOOK AT THAT GLITTER!. This is clubwear at its finest, I think no heads would stay unturned if you entered a club in one of these incredible sets, mind you my opinion on that goes for all of them. I adore the white belt detailing on the pants and under the bust line, and you may have noticed by now the silver symbol that seems to be Alessandra Pinklady’s signature detailing to most of her sets.
    The hair worn is again NEW and by TRUTH and is the Gypsy 2 style, I showed you Gypsy previously that was a side pony, this time the pony is at the back, but again the lovely fall of shorter layers at the side. I have now fallen in love with Truths brunette 2 pack so Im all about that this time, its got lighter browns in it that just look so heavenly in a sunkissed way.
    The shoes are 2 styles the first is the absolutely still one of my all time favourites, Sandstorm Snakeheel by Digit Darkes, that blends gold and silver together so well, and they are incredible dance styled shoes. The second pair are the yummy Vidalia shoes by Armidi , gorgeous peep toe pumps in lush Silver.
    The skin I have on is the Michelle skin by Damiani in the Tan tone Smoky Eyes Fair Lady make-up , I opted for a softer lipstick as there is enough colour and sexy in the suit itself.
    The third picture,the Hotsuit…… well to be totaly honest is SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL worthy, and the word I squeeled was SHAKIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was it one word and all goooeey gimme gimme fingers were going on. This set is the HOTNESSSSSSSSS!, definitely not for the faint hearted, not just the stunning top but look at the back, oh my there is so much bum going on there its NAWTY.
    I have to be really really clear here, Alessandra makes her own skins, so I am sure as with most skin designers she wears her own…which would mean she designs her items around her own skin, which is great , and her skins are made with body shine and the bums and backs of legs are wowza ! .
    Back to my explanation though, I had to try on 8 different skin designers to find one that didnt show too much in the nipple area, as this set has the strategicly placed signature piece over the right one.
    Now my reason for pointing this out is that in no way is it the fault of the designer of the clothing if you see those parts. In all the skins I tried on not one skin was the same as the other lol it was kind of bizarre really as I would have thought they are all using the same exact template, which again I ‘assumed’ is the one people use to make clothes.
    I had nipples lower higher, in more, out more, larger, smaller, it was really interesting to see those differences. Now I bought the Fat Pack of the Hot Suit set and I dont regret that for a microsecond I LOVE THEM, but my caution is that the prices in Alessandra are fabulous, IF you love this set as much as me, and you only wear skin by one designer, buy ONE colour first to be sure that if you want to NOT show your bits in public that you are able to conceal enough to be happy.
    Also take into account and I am not positive but buoncy and gravity and cleavage MAY come into factor in this in your shape too.
    My other thoughts on this are that in this incidence it would be great if designers had Demos for revealing outfits, but also another idea lol and this one I LOVE is that all SKIN designers made Paties of their skin tones on the underwear layers so that you could conceal the nipples totaly, as this style would actualy still alude to nipples being there without it looking strange.
    The Hair I am wearing in this pic is the fabulous Flare hair by Gurl 6 which I love lots and needed some big fab hair to pull off my Shakira wannabe look. The skin and one of only two I tried that had enough concealment is the yummy Seductive Glow Skin- Darkness- Midnight Make-up by Digital Dragon Designs.
    Fourth picture is the Latex Suit, again an incredible style, with beautiful plunge at front and back in again the wonderful vibrant colours, this set is a combination of the lovely Bra Top look with the plunge addition and I adore that, the idea that you are kept firmly in place with the wonderful chain detailing. Again this set shows Alessandra’s incredible shading and shine detailing that makes this latex so smooth and delish.
    The hair is the divine Saleen hair by HCT that is a 1L style in all colours and still one of my all time favourite straight long styles. The skin is again by Digital Dragon Designs and is the Seductive Glow Carousel , as the colours on the eyes were just lovely and the soft pink of the lips, again not needing too much colour as the outfit is the main attraction.
    The fifth set is the Latex Plunge suit and plunge it does, front and back. I love how Alessandra has joined this set at the top, so that it actualy looks like being that confined in tight latex was too much and the strain got to it lol, one slice down the middle front and back and BAMM! the almost spillage is yum. Fabulous way to show off your skins in these sets as often you miss out on showing what it is that really drew you to the body in the firts place.
    This set unlike the others comes with the amazing matching long gloves, which breaks up the bareness really well, and I dont know if I mentioned this before, but I think that long gloves are so sexy because of the space between clothing and glove top. Im talking in regards to old fashioned clothing too, as not alot of skin was showing but that section and decolatage, no wonder men went on rampages back then lol.
    In these sets it was a no brainer to go for the PopFuzz Designs skins lol , I mean LOOK at that breast shading. It also has the most adorable belly-button. I am wearing the Tan tone in Future Make-Ups of Pink, Silver and then also the Essential-Tan- Golden . The hair is Dirjha hair by Gurl 6 , another lovely long tresses style for dancing until dawn.
    The shoes are all the Bonita strappy style heels by Enkythings , in a variety of colours. As this outfit had a bit more coverage on the arms, I decided to let the feet be shown a bit more and these shoes are just fabulous and so pretty to mix and match with all sorts of clothing choices.
    The last picture and yes, after this you can go shopping lol, if you lasted this long before TP’ing to Alessandra you have incredible restraint. This is the Zip Suit and the style is a bit more conservative- can you say that about latex ?- anyway lol, I has a lot more coverage and a very different look to it, but still definitely marvelous.
    This set is only top and bottom though as in the bra cups look is actualy part of the one layer with the rest of it, Id love to see that done with and without and seperate as it would be fun to also colour contrast with your fat packs. But there are so many wonderful choices and this one is definitely a style for those that wear latex often and not just for fun and clubbing.
    The style has that unzipped look at my bra thing going on and I love that lol its why Zippers and Sheer Shirts were invented lol. The flame shaped detailing to the bra look part of the top is wonderful and I adore the flared sleeves and the again, incredible shading and shine to the whole set.
    The hair is the Pysa hair by HCT and has a texture change headband made of sculpties around the crown thats fab. The shoes are the divine Slinky Heels that are FREE at Maitreya and are a Must Have whether free or not. I am also wearing the Minnu Model Skin Tan SkinGloss in Smokey, again softer lips to enhance the colours of the outfit.
    Make sure you also check out the Alessandra skins at either skin fair or her main store if you have been looking for shine/oil skins without having to lose layers of clothing she has some lovely ones. But make sure you grab lots and lots of Latex too YUM YUM YUM !.

    xoxox Sasy xoxo

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VRFetish and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch

  • Freebies

    My Booty isnt Big and it didnt Cost a thing :P

    Big Booty Big Money is a store that always makes me smile when they blog a New Release. . I haven’t until tonight had the pleasure of venturing over there, but I had saved the blog so many times to favourites that it might just need its own folder.
    Evelyn Edelman the designer behind the wonderful creations has a fun sense of style and really grabs attention with not only the name of the store lol, but also her vibrant use of wit and colours.
    Today though even though I had so much to do I just had to run over and grab this incredible FREEBIE that is a sneak peak at future releases. It’s called the Simple Russian Preview Dress and there is nothing Simple about it – me thinks Evelyn and June are buddies lol .
    There is so many things fabulous about this frock and yes to me its a frock, not only a regular day time pretty Girly Girl frock, but one that morphs into Cocktail Frock with ease. The colour is just stunning with the sheer layers in those delicate prims, But it is definitely the scoop neck capped sleeves kind of style that vintage lovers wish their grandmothers had kept more of in air tight bags for wear in the future.
    There is no way you wont feel like Grace Kelly and all those fabulous Icons of the Silver Screen sashaying around in this delight so dont hesitate in getting your own Big Booty over there FAST !. * grumbles about bells ringing while waiting on rez , but I will be back, oh yess you can count on it Evelyn .
    The hair is the latest release by Diversity Hair called Mysena, which is an adorable side pony with lovely loose tendrils and face framing waves .
    The skin is the NEW release of Darkes Sisters Skins called Bronzed Sleek Skin in Brava Make Up, it is available on the top floor at Digit Darkes – More about that soon on the Digit Darkes Blog.
    The shoes that are a delight also are the Volar shoes by Adam n Eves Damen Gorilla . Accessories are the stunning Cathedral set and Cobalt Hair Rose from Essentia .
    Have a great Day and dont forget SKIN FAIR
    xoxox Sasy xoxo

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VRFetish and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch

  • Freebies

    Skin Fair and Freebies for ALL

    Its been posted about already, yes March 1st is the long awaited SKIN Fair, Sponsored by Vanity Universe .

    Make sure you go as much as possible and see all the incredible content creators showing off their latest skin ranges in this one location.

    There are going to be shows presenting skins by designers from all over, some long time Skin Creators and some New…its going to be an incredible month long event.

    Just like Hair Fair in the past I have heard some rumours that there will be GOOODIES for all that stop by from the retailers, so you have no excuses not to sample their products, and just think of the social aspect WOOOT !.

    One such Goodies Bag I know about is from Adam n Eve ,and the build of their Fair Space is fabulous, look for the red apple in their location and grab the goodies Im about to show you.

    First off for the ladies is the lovely Venus skin in Plum, you get ALL 4 tones in both shaved and pubix styles. Prim Lashes, Manicure and pedicure sets and face lights, and if thats not enough there are also 4 sets of eyes to get too- not the ones shown on this pic but two are shown with Dante.
    Doing the math roughly, that is about 5K value right there, for FREE- ok that is very rough because I am not sure if Venus is sold as a single skin 😛 , but still its a BARGAIN.

    The other fabulous Free set is the Dante Male Skins by Adam n Eve , isnt he handsome, and just look at those yummy eyes those are the Cocoa and Woodlands eyes shown in the pic, only two of the four that can be yours when you tp to the SKIN FAIR .

    Throughout the month I am sure people will be strutting their new skins across all blogs and showcasing many wonderful goodies, so make sure you get an early start on knowing what’s what, and who’s who.

    Flapper Hair worn in the Venus Pics is by ETD. Hair worn in the Dante Pics is Brett by Here Comes Trouble but available in the girls section but looks SO FAB On Men.

  • Freebies

    Incredible Free Items

    Today I was spending some time with a good friend Jaydie and the subject of Adam n Eve came up and the Limited Edition sets only available until Valentines Day, Shown Here previously.
    Jaydie used to work for PhatCats Jazz Club before they changed hands and she got her now job at ETD.

    The previous people of PhatCats have opened a New Club called Sweethearts Jazz Tropical Ballroom , now not only are they looking for staff at the moment but they are incredibly professional and go about making you enjoy your time at their location.

    So much so that when you arrive there are two sides to the landing hub that have an incredible assortment of free items and one of those is the Incredible Romantica Golden Gown by Sachi Vixen with Romantica slippers by Damen Gorilla. Look at the divine gold texture and detailing of this stunning gown that can be worn with or without ballgown skirt.

    The lovely slippers are perfect accompaniments but can be worn with so many other things in the future also. There are also items by Nonna Hedges and there is Hair for Men and Women , more shoes , a Male shape and Tuxedo.

    Now even though Sachi makes DEMO’s for all her clothing, this is a superb way to really enjoy the designs that Sachi and Damen produce, as well as spending an evening dancing with your favourite dance partner.
    The thing I love most about this is that for New Residents to be able to go somewhere that is not sleazy or seedy; and fit in with everyone else. To have a night of feeling absolutely beautiful, spending hours dancing and enjoying the beautiful locations that are created in SL is what its all about.

    Also the hair I have on today is the divine gift from RaC to all for Valentines Day, its called Love Affair and it comes in an assortment of fantastic colours, I put on the strawberrry and havent even looked at the others yet as it was instant Love. The texture and shine are incredible and the way it just falls elegantly around the shoulders, made from both alpha-prims and sculpties it is again an incredible way to familiarise yourself with a designers product.

    I didn’t get a chance to take pics of Stupid Cupid this other fabulous and fun freebie available right now at Ookami Ningen, Zorena made this today and its adorable. The textures are so vivid and the furry ended arrows in the little carry on your back are punk fluffy yummyness. Make sure you go grab it because you never know-just like me yesterday-when you are going to need an arrow lol.

    The Poses I used in the Gown pics where a delightful gift today from Gorgeous, and are by Poseur a store New to me, but they have already a large assortment of packs available, with all sorts of different themes for Guys and Gals, so be sure to give them a whirl.

    The skin is again by PopFuzz Designs and is the Tan Golden, see again a definite reason people need gold make up.

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Poses and Stands (most often used)
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.