
Skin Fair 2025 – Teegle

It is incredible what you can find at Skin Fair 2025, and one of the unexpected items is the Saddlebred Horse Avatar by Teegle, now at first I thought it was a horse you rez and it is beautiful and so on, but no, this is you becoming a horse avatar yourself and I could not wait to give it a whirl. I have seen all sorts of animal avatars over the years, and being a horse is just so much fun. I teleported straight over to Sparkle Skye region so that I could be amongst nature and have a bite to eat…I also managed to scare Sparkle as she was tabbed out and suddenly she had this horse in her face.

The horse comes in this beautiful chestnut colour, with a tinting hud, as you can see I got a bit silly with colours. You can tint each section or all at once. I imagine that there are probably a whole variety of skins you can get as add ons. There is a fantastic hud that lets you eat, lay, kick, dig, roll and so on, as you see me going through some of them in the video. There is also an object you rez that means that other people can ride you, now that is amazing. I like the idea of just having an easy time of Second Life, wandering around, enjoying the scenery as a horse. They are such beautiful animals, that the idea of that simplicity is very appealing.



Saddlebred Horse Avatar – Teegle @ Skin Fair 2025

Sparkle Skye Region – teleport 

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