
Second Life – Inventory Image Feature Tutorial – Part 1

I have had this as a to do post since the day it went live, I use it, talk about it often but had not gotten the kick in the pants that I needed to make that happen. That was until group chat opened in the Blueberry VIP group the other day, and the lovely Ines was mentioning how she organises her inventory and outfits…and went on to mention that the 10L upload fee for the images needed was worth it.

So of course this lead to me having something to say. I respectfully – I hope – interrupted and let her know that due to the “Newish” Second Life feature of ‘Image/s’ you could do the same job at no cost. A hush fell over the group…or lag, one or the other, but I like to be a bit dramatic. Then others mentioned that they did not know of this great new feature, and to tell them more…waves to Ines, Trista, Trinket and Hikari. All lovely Blueberry Group members – I really hope I say their names correctly in the video. So I did a quick and dirty GIF and explained the method and told them that I would do a post on this, as it had been burning a hole in my Blog to do list – that is actually a thing I have.

So I have done a video, where yet again I am out of practice talking to my own avatar – you would think I would have the talking down pat, because I do tend to talk paint off of a wall, but it is the not scripting myself and thinking ten other things about what I am doing in the moment that throws me, so apologies for the occasional trip of the tongue.


Equipment Used

VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace

Poses & Props by :

Billie Stands – OMY

Photo Booth – Superstition – FoxCity

Body Parts

Body :

Reborn – EBody


Morph Head ( Oval Head, Almond Eyes, LipMorph Bow, Nose Straight, Ears Human ) – Genus

Nail Polish:

appliers – Flair – Marketplace

Skin Worn:

Sarah Skin – Nuve

Sienna Tone – Velour

Head and Body BOM Layers:

JE Brows – Simple Bloom

Astral Eyeshadow, Blubblegum Gloss – AlaskaMetro

Hair Worn:

Whisper – TRUTH


Victoria Casual Tee – Addams

Akira Cargo pants – Erratic

Seon Slides – Flair


Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse

Dallas Water Bottle – Flair

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