More Wheelies Goodies 3
Thaumata Strangelove of PFE (plenty for Everyone) has made the most adorable Evil Fairy in a bottle, not jsut does this Fairy Dance in such beautiful Movement, but when you click on the bottle OH MY she has lots of naughty things to say lol.
such as :
*PFE Evil Fairy in a Bottle: When you Role Play, you should just make your character do whatever they like and let everyone ELSE figure out how to work that into the storyline. People love the challenge!
* PFE Evil Fairy in a Bottle: Ohhhhhh… did you see how BEAUTIFUL everything looks when you hit Control-Q?
* PFE Evil Fairy in a Bottle: Of COURSE gesturing can take the place of meaningful conversation!
and many many more, its highly entertaining 🙂 and all money from the purchases of them until the 30th will go to Wheelies.Moire Georgette of comme il faut has created a fantastic Dress for the Cafe Society Design Challenge, this Challenge was to somehow incorporate the theme of Flamingo’s in it, Moire has done an incredible job and has set it out to be another fabulous item were proceeds go towards Wheelies, thank you all and thank you to everyone involved.