The ties that Bind
Ok somewhere I seem to have lost a day, don’t know how, but it happened.
Yesterday when I met up with Whimxy Winx at a store, and we were loitering lol , I saw a girl called Nina .F. who had on these very cool pants. I chatted about ripping them off her body, physically hee hee but she was kind enough to send me a LM for the store.
The store for these cool Black Baggy-Woman pants is Urban Dragon Designs , and I will let you know in advance so you don’t get disappointed – I wasn’t but still- they aren’t textured , they are just black, but there are others with textures in camo and other prints, so do check them out , as they are my new “happy pants”.
So I was all wanting to just go all out with the happy, so I grabbed one of my favourite belts I haven’t worn in sooooo long, its my fish bone belt from Gritty Kitty, the creator though comes up as Posy Trudeau, and I know I bought it when they both shared one space at Miau Haus so if its not at one, it should be at the other. Ok ignore all that, Gritty still is at Miau so bets are its there.
I swear as complicated as that all was, the belt is way worth it lol….especially for us Pisces Fishies out there *waves to Arianna P.*.
I was feeling all playful once I had my happy pants on, and really wanted to go with a red/black theme, so I rifled through my folders and once again the G.L.A.M Bustier Pencil Dress top in Crimson came to my rescue (gives up on promising to blog that dress as a whole, go buy them all they are on sale, and as you have seen the tops are totally wicked) .
Now speaking of wicked, there is one thing that many many girls wished they had in RL, I am one and I know there has to be others out there, the heartshape/widows peak hairline, in the past women actualy tweasered their hairline to make that shape, but with the right bangs cut you can achieve it.
So you’re going to kill me for this but this hair is Hiding Hore hair, and its old Old Gravy, so that means unless everyone in SL IM’s Satine Dot and demands she puts it all on OnRez lol you cant get it :o( .
But lets go to the Yummy’s you can get, we all know Kriss Lehmann from Straylight sim, you know the talented person that gave us all the pretty trees’ we know have all over SL, well what you might not know, is that before the pretty trees’ we had BIND, and we still do, Kriss has BIND products set up at the fabulous Nomine store ( BIND @ Nomine ) .
I have blogged these pieces in the past, and always found myself referring people to BIND when it came up in conversation, people asking about nice collars or tails or lock compatability, all the bind pieces have those…and the beauty of the collar and that incredible Tail, is not just the prim work, though it is magnificent but also the colour change scripts and bell noise on the collar.
If you are looking for a new collar or your first, and you want something that will allow you to add scripts to and just love, then go and check these out, and if its a wonderful tail you are looking for then this is it for sure *swishes*.Next I wanted to show you the delicate laced Lily Longline Corset sets by No. 9 Nylons , this is a sneak peak for the upcoming FASHION SHOW tomorrow the 4th April at 1PM SLT HERE , (which in my time means Im either early or late lol ) The long line comes on both layers for top and bottoms and with the divine Polka Dot stockings they are heavenly.
The lace and style of these is pure vintage as is the whole No. 9 collection , if you love fine hosiery this is the store for you.
Its great to be able to blog them again, I used to on AM after finding them by literaly smacking my head into the store – oooo update , seems now thanks to my new pc I CAN WALK – . try your best to attend the show as Criollo Forcella is a wonderful lady to meet , always so helpful to her customers.
The hair is the Nana hair by Luxury Jade and the shoes are the Nana heels by Enkythings lol , I didn’t even do that on purpose I swear.
have a wonderful day
xox Sasy xoxo
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose