Skin Fair and Freebies for ALL
Its been posted about already, yes March 1st is the long awaited SKIN Fair, Sponsored by Vanity Universe .
Make sure you go as much as possible and see all the incredible content creators showing off their latest skin ranges in this one location.
There are going to be shows presenting skins by designers from all over, some long time Skin Creators and some New…its going to be an incredible month long event.
Just like Hair Fair in the past I have heard some rumours that there will be GOOODIES for all that stop by from the retailers, so you have no excuses not to sample their products, and just think of the social aspect WOOOT !.
One such Goodies Bag I know about is from Adam n Eve ,and the build of their Fair Space is fabulous, look for the red apple in their location and grab the goodies Im about to show you.
First off for the ladies is the lovely Venus skin in Plum, you get ALL 4 tones in both shaved and pubix styles. Prim Lashes, Manicure and pedicure sets and face lights, and if thats not enough there are also 4 sets of eyes to get too- not the ones shown on this pic but two are shown with Dante. Doing the math roughly, that is about 5K value right there, for FREE- ok that is very rough because I am not sure if Venus is sold as a single skin 😛 , but still its a BARGAIN.
The other fabulous Free set is the Dante Male Skins by Adam n Eve , isnt he handsome, and just look at those yummy eyes those are the Cocoa and Woodlands eyes shown in the pic, only two of the four that can be yours when you tp to the SKIN FAIR .
Throughout the month I am sure people will be strutting their new skins across all blogs and showcasing many wonderful goodies, so make sure you get an early start on knowing what’s what, and who’s who.
Flapper Hair worn in the Venus Pics is by ETD. Hair worn in the Dante Pics is Brett by Here Comes Trouble but available in the girls section but looks SO FAB On Men.