Skin Fair 2025 – Rash & Mignonne
Honestly at this point Premium Plus Lifetime is my entertainment retirement plan. I cackled to myself the whole time setting up this picture, because not only are the aged skins by Rash at Skin Fair really amazing to see on, but I honestly was too amused by Mignonnes release of “chicken neck’ at Skin Fair also. I mean there is no denying we are all aging, some of us more recently than others, everywhere I turned this past few weeks I have walked into a Pisces. So as I was saying, having one of the coveted Premium Plus lifetime accounts means that this image is more possible than one would have planned. Second Life itself better be here still, or I will be a cranky old lady. I am nearing the third of the way mark, coming up to 19 years in just over a month. So if you are still here in 41 years, come say hello.
Rash actually released some aged male skins also, and while I almost did go down that route, it was a little too much for me this time. Worth having a look if you like roleplay scenarios, because the male skins are the kind of guys you will purchase a video player from the back of their truck looking dudes. Or that guy in movies that works the front desk at some sleazy motel, all works and are all fabulous.
The chicken neck is an add on layer, and so funny, not only because of the aging factor, but just the name itself was too fun. It comes in many skin tones, so if you are looking for that further enhancement for an aged skin, then check them out. Only a few more days left to visit Skin Fair, so make sure you take a few runs around this event. I love that the black pack of this hairstyle has a nice blend of black and grey, so it made it so much easier to add to that aged look and it is a great butterfly clipped updo.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Rocking Chair – Dust Bunny Mainstore (old Gacha item)
Monterey Paneling – Apple Fall Mainstore
Shelf with framed Imagine Quote (modified for pic) – Trompe Loeil Mainstore
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Mila Head – Catwa @ Skin Fair
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Elsa Skin (Face) – Rash @ Skin Fair 2025
Sienna Tone – Velour
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Chicken Neck Tattoo – Mignonne @ Skin Fair 2025
Hair Worn:
Olivia Hair – Lamb Mainstore
Rilo Jeans, Tie back sweater – Tres Blah Mainstore
Kiako Sneakers – Breathe @Uber Event (march 2025)
Artist Stylus –Stoic Mainstore
Firestorm Zero coming to a browser near you
On Wednesday, residents who had previously shown interest in Project Zero—whether by attending the monthly Web User Meetings or as bloggers—were invited to a Zoom call with Philip Linden, Sntax Linden, and Strawberry Linden, along with members of the Firestorm team, including Whirly Fizzle and Pantera Polnocy.
The meeting focused on the upcoming Firestorm Zero, a browser-based option set to launch soon. Firestorm fans will be pleased to know they won’t have to sacrifice their favourite features when logging in.
The atmosphere was incredibly friendly, with many of us having joined these calls before. But what stood out most was the mutual admiration between the Lindens and the Firestorm team as content creators. At one point, it became clear that Philip was a longtime Whirly fan, which I found absolutely adorable—because, honestly, who isn’t a Whirly fan!
This get together meeting, was in advance of the Town Hall/Community Roundtable meetup that will be happening in world on Friday 14th of March which you can actually watch live from Youtube — you can get youtube to notify you by clicking on the notify me option on their channel for that live event. That way if you are unable to get into the regions hosting it, you can still follow along. I did ask at the meeting if Strawberry will be filming it live using the Firestorm Zero or Project Zero in built browser option, but as it is unknown how stable that may be for the hundreds that may be in attendance they were not sure if completely possible at this time, but assured us that they will test and see if it is something they can do. Either way the event being filmed live is excellent and the ability to watch it at any time after makes it very inclusive for all. The link to the Second Life blog post about the upcoming event is Here.
Sntax Linden, the development lead on Project Zero, has been working closely with the Firestorm team to make Firestorm Zero a reality. For diehard Firestorm users, this new option will make things much more convenient going forward. One key topic discussed in the meeting was cost. Currently, time spent using the Project Zero viewer costs Linden Lab approximately $1.75 USD per user, which is roughly L$439. Since they are currently covering this cost—with a significant number of users logging in daily—they do plan to introduce a fee for the Firestorm Zero access. This fee will not cover the full cost, and Linden Lab is willing to absorb part of that expense. They are considering a charge of around L$250 for a set amount of time, in the hopes also that with enough use, the costs will decrease and that saving will be passed on as it drops.
Now, full disclosure: the time frame was mentioned multiple times during the call and it changed a few times from one hour window to five— this leads me to think that they may be considering bundle pricing, as in the more you pay up front perhaps the cheaper it may be, but note that is just me thinking that, and may not even be part of their plans, but you never know. I specifically asked whether the charge would apply per login or be based on total time spent in-world. They assured me that it would be based on actual time logged in, not the number of logins.
For example, if you purchase one hour, you could log in six times for ten minutes each before your time runs out. This means that even if you log in for just a few minutes at a time, your purchased time will last as long as you pace it. This could be incredibly useful for tasks like accessing Second Life from a remote location to open a region, pass a notecard, or topping up your rental box while away from your main PC—all from a single purchase. The purchase ability will only be available via the Second Life dashboard, so that you will know which account you are purchasing for, and so that they have access to your L$ balance.
The original Project Zero will remain for this time 0L$ to access, it will only be the Firestorm version that will have a fee, but with the amount of extra work it takes to work other viewers into the project it does make sense that it comes at a cost and sometimes that cost has to be shared by those using the functionality. It was asked if perhaps time might be added to Plus/Premium/Premium Plus accounts as a perk, but at this time that is not something they have immediate plans for, and again getting the costs down on this system would be the benefit for all.
For those who have accessed Project Zero in the past, it’s an incredible way to experience Second Life. However, access is limited, both in availability and the number of users allowed to log in at any given time—understandably so, given the significant cost to Linden Lab. They simply can’t afford to spend thousands of USD per day for everyone. With Firestorm Zero’s paid option, however, access will be immediate—no waiting, since you’ll be paying for the service. There may be some limitations on purchasing available slots, especially at the start, but given the price point and the flexibility to use it whenever you need, it would be wise to secure a slot as soon as it becomes available—even if you don’t have an immediate use for it. Of course, this depends on how you use Second Life. If you never have “emergency” situations in your SLife, you may not need it.
Personally, I know I’ll be grabbing a slot. While I’m at my PC every day, there was a moment last year when I had to leave at the worst possible time. I couldn’t reach my mum, and I panicked. It was an hour before I had to open the Hair Fair regions for content creators to start setup—something only I could do—but I had to go check on her. I drove to her home, didn’t find her there, and then, 15 minutes later, she arrived. I was so relieved, hugged her, ran back to my car, and made it home with just minutes to spare. Now, that might seem dramatic—or even silly—to others, but if I’d had Project Zero or Firestorm Zero back then, I could have just grabbed my tablet, gone to Mum’s, and stayed with her for the evening. All I had to do was open the regions and send notices. Sure, I could have done that before I left, but in the moment, my brain wasn’t thinking that way. Honestly, I’ve only just thought of it now. I also know that no one in the event would have screamed at me about being late, but again I just couldn’t think that clearly at the time. Having a Firestorm Zero time slot in my imaginary pocket will make me calmer — something has to.
I tend to approach Second Life features from a different angle than most. While many focus on how smoother SL will be for slower computers, or how this eliminates the need for high-end hardware to keep up with advancements like PBR, I love that—but my mind works differently. After nearly two decades of working for others, I always view these things through the lens of creators, customers, and support needs.
To me, this is essential for most Second Life content creators and anyone with obligations that have, until now, kept them tethered to their computers—often disrupting their work-life balance. I’ve seen creators go on vacation and say they couldn’t log in for a set amount of time, and I’ve seen real emergencies happen that couldn’t be resolved remotely. I’ve even known people to opt out of events simply because they wouldn’t be at their PC on setup day. With Firestorm Zero, they could have everything prepared in advance, log in for five minutes to rez their items, and be done. They could quickly fix something if needed. That kind of freedom is fantastic.
I also know of a creator who recently planned to send event notices while away on business using Project Zero, ensuring her followers knew she was participating. Beyond convenience, this also offers a sense of security. Over the years, many of us have faced computer issues at the worst times. I always pray nothing happens to my setup during Hair Fair—but when a PC or laptop dies, replacing it takes time. That can lead to missed deadlines, failed setups, or lost opportunities. With Firestorm Zero, creators could log in from a tablet, an older laptop that previously couldn’t handle SL, a friend’s house, or even an internet café. That’s incredibly valuable. And with the paid option guaranteeing access, I’d strongly recommend grabbing a slot as soon as they become available. If you never need it, great—but if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.
Other topics discussed on the call included updates to Project Zero. In the past, nothing was saved—including IM chat logs—which is crucial for anyone handling customer service. That has now changed: IMs can be saved, though local chat still cannot. We also talked about snapshots not saving properly. Currently, screenshots taken through the browser aren’t great quality, but they’re looking into solutions, including saving directly to email, Flickr, or other options.
A key point we’ve discussed before is that Project Zero is highly secure and doesn’t allow copybotting because no data is saved or shared. Philip even mentioned that if you logged in from an internet café, even the café owner wouldn’t be able to access your account. Another improvement is that in the past, settings and preferences wouldn’t save between logins—but that has now been fixed. If you notice anything still not saving, be sure to report it via Canny HERE, as they’re actively gathering feedback on Project Zero and the upcoming Firestorm Zero.
I rambled and talked about how I see it as being useful, you may have another dozen or so things you consider it will be helpful with, and I certainly hope so, I also hope that you check out the Town Hall on Friday as Philip talks more about this Project for Second Life Official Viewer version and the Firestorm version and the 2025 roadmap for Second Life overall…for a breakdown on Wednesdays meeting visit Inara Peys blog HERE
Skin Fair 2025 – Teegle
It is incredible what you can find at Skin Fair 2025, and one of the unexpected items is the Saddlebred Horse Avatar by Teegle, now at first I thought it was a horse you rez and it is beautiful and so on, but no, this is you becoming a horse avatar yourself and I could not wait to give it a whirl. I have seen all sorts of animal avatars over the years, and being a horse is just so much fun. I teleported straight over to Sparkle Skye region so that I could be amongst nature and have a bite to eat…I also managed to scare Sparkle as she was tabbed out and suddenly she had this horse in her face.
The horse comes in this beautiful chestnut colour, with a tinting hud, as you can see I got a bit silly with colours. You can tint each section or all at once. I imagine that there are probably a whole variety of skins you can get as add ons. There is a fantastic hud that lets you eat, lay, kick, dig, roll and so on, as you see me going through some of them in the video. There is also an object you rez that means that other people can ride you, now that is amazing. I like the idea of just having an easy time of Second Life, wandering around, enjoying the scenery as a horse. They are such beautiful animals, that the idea of that simplicity is very appealing.
Saddlebred Horse Avatar – Teegle @ Skin Fair 2025
Sparkle Skye Region – teleport
Skin Fair 2025 – Genus & MoonPhase
They love to say that Second Life is not a game, but we all know there are days when you just feel like you are winning. Today is one of those days, because while I was feeling my inner Pebbles — The Flintstones is my favourite cartoon of all time, I was not happy enough so jumped into Blender and made myself a bone for my hair — I did scour marketplace first, but didn’t find what I wanted. So once that was done, I felt perfectly put together in how I would imagine Pebbles would put together a look if shopping in Second Life. Genus released the MORPHtoon head option at this years Skin Fair, and it has been not only exciting many, but also inspiring many, even though not a skin, I think me making a bone to complete my look is also in the inspired section. As it is a MORPH head, it has parts that you will be able to change with other future releases in the toon series, which is something fun to look forward to. The head is the same uv options as previous Morph heads, so your regular skins will fit and look very nice. I went with one of the Skin Fair releases of skins by Genus that are available in their booth. Making my own shape for the look was not difficult and there is a fair amount of wiggle room there. I do look forward to what comes next as well. The hud that comes with has a few more details than the regular Morph heads, going for that cutesie appeal, and the lashes and hairbases are fabulous. I imagine they probably cross over to the other heads, not sure though…wait! I will be right back…I am back and SUCCESS they do.Because of the toon doll like quality of the head, I was aiming for some Betty Boop type hair at first, but then remembered this retro doll hair by Lamb, and seeing as Wilma Flintstone had that same upsweep rockabilly style front to her hair, I thought that it made sense that as Pebbles aged she may do the same. Then adding some beautiful pearls by Mandala, obviously Bam-Bam got them for Pebbles for their anniversary. The dress also by lamb is just so girly girl, and has a stunning green in the package that is very much a Pebbles go to, it also has sleeve opacity options which make it very versatile. The shoes and socks by Breathe added just the right softness to the look, again keeping to that if she was here vibe.
Moonphase released these beautiful blush and spots layers at Skin Fair and the set even comes with a mushroom hat, which I would have loved to have worn, but really did not work with the hair or the theme, but it is so adorable, and the blush and spots look so cute and come in multiple strength layers. Adding another beautiful piece which is another of the Sparkle Skye body art releases at Skin Fair, a tucked in tulip with both left and right and in different positions depending on what you are wearing, and is a gift in her booth during the event. I hope you like my little dress up as Pebbles, and hope you have time to check out Skin Fair.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Loel Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
MORPHtoon Head – Genus @ Skin Fair 2025
Nail appliers – Flair
Skin Worn:
Amalia Skin (face) – Genus @ Skin Fair 2025
Waifu Body Skin Reborn Tone 1 (tinted) – ALT3 @ Skin Fair
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Serene Body Art – Sparkle Skye @ Skin Fair 2025
Mushi Blush Mushi Spot – MoonPhase @ Skin Fair 2025
Hair Worn:
Retro Doll – Lamb Mainstore
Sonnet Dress – Lamb Mainstore
Sayon Heels – Breathe The Fifty Event (March 2025)
Invincible Choker Set – Pearl Necklace – Mandala Mainstore
Skin Fair – LOGO, Pout & Achroma
I watch a lot of shows—when I start one, I tend to binge the entire series, all seasons, until the end. Lately, I’ve been doing that with Lucifer. I had watched it before but drifted off to other shows during a season break and never got back into it, so I started again from scratch. It’s such a great concept—when you look at things from an angel’s perspective, not everything is harps and fluffy clouds or good deeds and white gossamer dresses.
When I put on the Dawn head from LOGO and played around with the shape to my liking, I found that I had a very strong look—one I actually love. It reminded me of that late ’80s–’90s supermodel vibe, those girls who were discovered at 14 and ruled the world for a while—someone like Milla Jovovich, but not exactly. So I went with that—blending the idea that sometimes, even angels go through it.
The head has a great HUD system, including animations, but the included skins are also fantastic. I’m wearing the skin that comes with Dawn, and it’s superb—not surprising, since LOGO has been making skins in Second Life longer than most of us have existed, even me. Seeing the pimple patches by Pout at Skin Fair leaned further into the “going through it” theme but also reminded me of something I’ve mentioned before—how, back in 2006, LOGO did a custom skin for a friend of mine with a little star under her eye. It was so special to her, and it made me want to show stars on his skin once more. The body skin, which is also part of the Dawn package, is just as beautifully done.
To show it off, I mixed and matched some recent releases. The Kiwi Co. just released their Celeste Noir set, which includes lingerie, but the part of me that prefers to keep things a little covered opted for just the stunning animated wings and the knee high heels which look amazing. They move so beautifully and even have an option for gems at the tips of the feathers. There are both PBR and classic texture versions—these are PBR. Being the more conservative supermodel-angel that I am (laughs so you don’t have to), I paired it with the Sleeper set by Fashionably Dead. I think the combination is fantastic and playful.
At first, I hesitated about the Pyra arm layers, but they’re incredibly well done, and the materials add so much realism. I’m not usually into RP elements, so these kinds of add-on layers aren’t my go-to, but I can appreciate how well they’re made. They come in fantasy-inspired shades like drow, purple, and dark tones, as well as this soft, pale pink. So while I’m making up yet another origin story for my look, this time, it’s that sometimes angels just have to swoop down and save people from their own mistakes—even when it seems too late.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Loel Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Dawn Head – Logo @ Skin Fair 2025
Nail appliers – Flair
Skin Worn:
Dawn Skin Evox – Logo @ Skin Fair 2025
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Pyra Scars – Achroma @ Skin Fair 2025
Pimple Patch – Pout @ Skin Fair 2025
Nala eyes Special – Velvet Vue @ Skin Fair 2025
Hair Worn:
Everleigh – Wasabi – Truth Collective TRUTH Mainstore
Sweet Sleep Set – Shorts & Bra – Fashionably Dead Mainstore
Celeste Noir Knee High Heels – The Kiwi Co. Mainstore
Balmain Gemstone Headband – Flair
Celeste Noir Angel Wings – The Kiwi Co. Mainstore
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Skin Fair 2025 – Catwa, Autograph & VelvetVue
I love the transformation fun you can have with an event like Skin Fair—the chance to see yourself in a completely different way than you’d normally be drawn to when just out shopping. The option to try it all and potentially find a version of yourself you didn’t even know was there.
Today’s look isn’t my usual, but it’s almost familiar in a way. The skin definitely has an Asian influence, and paired with the clothing, it gives off one of those K/J Drama looks I love. Honestly, if I could grab all the clothing from any of the dramas I binge, I’d be in fashion heaven. Especially the wintery looks—because, as I’ve mentioned before, while we do have winter in Australia, it never becomes about fashion the same way it does in other countries. Fashion is such a huge part of K/J Dramas that there are even websites listing every outfit from each episode so you can shop. Or so I’ve heard—I dare not actually look, or I might fall into a rabbit hole of awesome.
While the bare tummy and hips may not be the best for cold weather, the short-legged cut of these pants was just too cute to resist. Plus, it gave me the perfect chance to show off my shoes by Breathe. These sneakers are so fun—you can change every part of them, so you could go wild or just colour-coordinate your look like I did, there is even a with short socks version, adorable. I also am a huge fan of hat hair, you may have noticed that in the past, so when Mina made this beanie hair I was so excited to find a chance to wear it and today was that chance, the turtleneck sweater though meant that I could not wear the matching scarf that comes with, but I can save that for another day.
The head I’m wearing is the latest by Catwa, available now at Skin Fair. It has a great base for a variety of skin looks, and the HUD is incredibly detailed, with a separate animation HUD that could keep you entertained for days. One thing that often goes unspoken when playing around with shapes is brow shape, which, by default, is called ‘hair’ when it comes to system layers—something that confuses so many people. Honestly, I wish they’d just add those sliders to the shape (appearance mode). I felt so strongly about it that I actually paused writing this to put it in a feedback canny for the Lindens—so vote it up if you agree HERE!
All in all, I got my face exactly how I wanted it for this skin, which is part of the fun. I imagine that’s how most shape creators spend their time when crafting looks. The skin is by Autograph—they have a few different options at their Skin Fair booth, and I really wanted to step outside the box with this one. I am actually using the Alt3 body layers for this match up with neck blenders, because I don’t have the tones they had available in the Velour, but I think it was a great match overall, you can often luck out that way. I remember when we used to blog every skin release—those days have definitely changed. Now, most people stick to looking like themselves all the time. Even when they switch skins, it’s usually just a fresher version—like they’ve had a spa day rather than a complete transformation. The eyes I am wearing are by VelvetVue, they not only include appliers for particular heads, but also bom layers and mesh eyes that you can use for other heads with their own appliers if yours are not already covered, that is just awesome, and the eyes via applier have three variations to each colour, again I could dive into those for days.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Loel Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Mila Head – Catwa @ Skin Fair
Nail appliers – SportyS set – Flair @ Skin Fair
Skin Worn:
Yuri Skin (Face) – Autograph @ Skin Fair
Waifu Body Skin Reborn Tone 2 – ALT3 @ Skin Fair
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Breeze eyes – Velvet Vue @ Skin Fair
Hair Worn:
Evelina Hair – Mina Hair Mainstore
Vaani Sweater – Elikatira Mainstore
Warehouse Pants – Fashionably Dead Mainstore
Kiako Sneakers – Breathe @Uber Event (march 2025)
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Skin Fair 2025 – GA.EG, Alt3 and Sparkle Skye
I am tall in RL, so when I landed in Second Life and everyone was a giant, it was a really bizarre experience for me. I never set all my sliders to 100, but I would feel really strange standing next to any girl who was a good head and a half taller, because that was not my reality at all. It took a lot for Mel to convince me to go closer to scale, and I did eventually. There were a lot of tears along the way, but while I am taller according to the numbers in the edit appearance, I am as tall as I feel myself to be realistically. I’m rambling, but I swear I have a point here… height plays a lot into the body I wear. For me, Slink was a no-brainer, and it had a lot to do with the legs, especially the knees. When changing bodies due to content, I chose Ebody Reborn for much the same reason. My friend Whimsy is the same—without even discussing it, it was about the legs for us. When we looked at some options out there, we felt that regardless of leg length, they still felt like short legs just stretched. Because of that, knees end up playing a huge part when it comes to skins, and today’s skins are by ALT3. As far as the knees go, they do not disappoint at all. In fact, they go above and beyond in my book. Skin Fair just opened on Friday, and there are skins galore, but funnily enough, I had a skin shopping experience days before it opened and saw so many knees to look at. So, when ALT3 was put on and the knees were perfect, everything else just fell into line beautifully.
The skins come in 30 tones, ranging from fantasy to human, and I have not seen so many fantasy options that I’ve wanted to try myself. As you know, fantasy is not my usual go-to, so for a skin tone to bring that out in me—that’s winning. The human tones are also beautiful; I’m wearing tone 3, but that 00 is incredible looking. If you’re a skin creator, they’ve also opened up the options for you to make faces for the body skin line by applying for their developer kit HERE.
The current skin line is made for Legacy and Reborn Waifu. I am not wearing Waifu, just the Reborn body on its own, but it still provides complete body coverage. The skin line is also packed full of mod enhancements by other creators. There are muscle add-on skin options for the Muscle Mami mods and more. It includes skin tinters, and the skins themselves are modifiable. I’m not wearing it in the gif, but in the main picture, I am wearing the toned belly layer. You could dive into the options ALT3 has and not come up for air for days. I look forward to seeing other creators adopt this body as their go-to, and if they don’t, there are also neck blenders to make your faces work with as much as possible.
I’m also wearing one of their own skins on my face, which is Naomi. She has a great look, and I especially like the little smirk line on her cheek. The skin is EvoX and comes with nude or gloss lips. I’m wearing the gloss, which is very subtle.
I’m wearing the Ga.Eg head Scarlett, which is a very youthful-shaped head, and it didn’t take me long to get it looking exactly how I wanted. It has an abundance of features on its head HUD. There’s also a fully decked-out animation HUD, along with many add-ons. It’s definitely something to check out at Skin Fair. It’s always fun playing around with the shape sliders on a new head, because they all differ slightly, so you can get more experience with how shapes work the more you play.
The other thing I spent a few days doing before Skin Fair was running around Second Life, in love with my Body Art by Sparkle Skye. I may have gotten a teaser before the event opened up, and honestly, I was only wearing clothing that would show them off for days. If you’ve been around Second Life for a long time, you know that Sparkle Skye is incredibly talented, and she keeps expanding on that with different things she does in Second Life and Real Life (she’s very artsy). So much so that she hand-painted these flowers and then brought them into Second Life as these stunning body art options. They are created on the tattoo layers, but they’re not considered tattoos—more like the idea that you lay back on a rock at some huge music festival and someone just decided to paint you right there for a few dollars and a beer. This set of dainty flowers comes in four colours, with left and right options, so you can wear just one or two like I did in different colours. The ivory and blush have been my go-to all week. The placement also has me loving them because they look like you just picked up some flowers while walking through a field and tucked them into your pants to keep your hands free for more. I love a good origin story.
The Baggy Jeans and Tubetop set I am wearing is part of the Tough Love collection coming to Equal 10 on the 10th by Cynful, there are PBR versions as well as regular and speaking of mods, my word does this cover them all ( I hope all because honestly the amount of work that would have gone into this release is bananas) there are rolls versions, squish versions, there are flat and high feet versions for the jeans, there are mod versions for the panties bottoms and let us just say that your inventory on just unpacking reborn alone is going to grow upwards and outwards, there are 46 pieces in that folder. I think that Cynful tough loved herself! I am so grateful for the flat and high feet options for pants because it really does help you get dressed.
I was recently over at the mesh upload (free) sandbox and ran into the owner of Geek, he was so lovely to chat to and he gave me this adorable Daisy that you hold between two fingers and is just so delightful, it really was a week of flowers for me. I could not resist tucking one behind my ear also, versatility is awesome.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Loel Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Scarlett Head – Ga.Eg @ Skin Fair
Nail appliers – Torn Up set – Flair @ Skin Fair
Skin Worn:
Naomi Skin & Waifu Body Skin Reborn Tone 3 , Toned Belly Add on, Dewy 2K shine Materials Applier – ALT3 @ Skin Fair
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Noah Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Ceres – TRUTH Mainstore
Tough Love Baggy Jeans & Tubetop – Cynful @ Equal10 Event
Milena Panties – Asteria Mainstore
Seon Slides – Flair on Marketplace
Daisy – Geek Mainstore
Hoops forever earrings reboot – Dark Mouse
Bubbling Over
Did you know? It has been announced as part of the February Membership Mania, that mesh uploads will be free for all Premium Plus users, starting in the next few weeks…however if you visit the Sandbox at Radiantia you can upload for free now. I myself went over and checked this, so it does in fact work now, so do not wait on the few weeks, get to saving. If you are not already a Premium Plus subscriber, I urge you to look into the features that having an account like that includes, because it was already robust and in the last few weeks it has gained even more, I went to bed with 703 prim allowance for my home and woke up with 937.
After my upload test, I was feeling more girly than usual. Fashionably Dead just released this superb bolero (fluff on and off options) and tank set — seriously I think I live in this tank now — that gives a lot of ballerina. It is a release for the Dubai event, and there are also some jeans I cannot wait to wear. However the girliness was strong, and I remembered the Butter skirt by Mellow Elie was going to be the thing that I needed to pull off a girl about town look. The soft flow of the skirt has such great fluidity to it, that I hope to see more like it in future.
The shoes by Breathe gave me a choice of fishnet or polka dots for the sock portion, and it was a neck and neck race to the finish but ultimately the dots won, that and the bows strengthen the vibe and I am feeling my Emily in Paris kind of moment. You can change all the parts separately, but I liked the all one colour look, this is actually one of the fatpack special colours. To make sure my bag matched, I was able to go into edit and tint the handles and heart so that it was more in keeping with the palette I had started, though there are so many colours to choose from via the bags HUD. Also adjusted for the look are these earrings by Yummy, part of their Beachy Boho collection, these are the bubbles earrings and I upped their size a fair bit and love the outcome so much. The Monso hair has a behind shoulders option, that as you know by now I will nearly always prefer, and that gave a proper visual line to the earrings. This half updo style is so cute and I wore one of my own headbands — by Flair — atop it, just to bring all the colours together.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Exposeur Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair on Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Irene Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Sunken Cheeks, Riley Eyebrows, Irene Lipstick – Nuve Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Greta – Monso Mainstore
Fuzzy Bolero & Tank – Fashionably Dead @ Dubai Event
Butter Skirt – Mellow Elie Mainstore
Sanka Heels – Breathe @ Kinky Event
Darlington Headband – Flair on Marketplace
Beachy Boho Earrings set – Bubbles – Yummy Mainstore
Ethnic Rings – Sigma Mainstore
Swweetheart Bag – Bowtique Marketplace
Low Hanging Fruit
Starting the look with the sweetheart dress by Lamb, at this round of Collaborate took me down a lacy path. The strapless dress actually has a matching bolero which is delightful, but I tend to deviate from items that go with each other wanting to highlight how much more they can work with. The dress has solid and print options, and this lace layered look is just lovely. I like that the dress can be sweet daytime, to a bit dressier for the evening, but if you are not a heels girl that it still looks awesome with something amazing like these boots with stockings by Breathe. The stockings have either the lace look or a hearts look in many colours to choose from.
This whole look was all about texture, lace, leather and fluff, as is the case with this cropped letterman style jacket by Cynful. The fluff sleeves are so cute. You can colour everything together via the HUD, but also have the options to choose different colours for each section depending on what pack you purchase. You also get to monogram it with your initial. This jacket has a PBR and Non PBR Version included. Also including both PBR and Non PBR textures is the stunning choker by Sigma. It looks so much like stacked gold bricks I feel wealthier wearing it, I want one that goes right up the neck (hint hint Sofi).
Another recent release item by Nuve are the Riley Eyebrows, which have an ombre option, left, right and both. You also get your regular natural colours if not feeling the ombre moment. I do love that they are also tintable, so that I could get the pink colour closer to the colour of my hair. The hair chosen is Jett by Exile, which I thought was also a perfect way to show off the brows, especially with that high bangs look I love.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Bang! Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Irene Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Sunken Cheeks, Riley Ombre Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Jett – Exile @ The Fifty
Stay Cozy Cropped Jacket – Cynful Mainstore
Sweetheart Dress – Lamb @ Collabor88 Event (feb2025)
Romy Boots – Breathe @ Uber (feb2025)
Alysse Choker Necklace – Sigma Mainstore
Hang Onto Your Hopes
One of the best things to come out of tattoo layers, was the ability to enhance and in some cases fix skins. The enhancements abound, and when the skin creator themselves does an enhancement it can be as simple as choosing your tone and off you go. Such is the case with the sunken cheek options by Nuve. I am wearing their latest skin release called Irene that is such a lovely skin, I have no makeup on at all, but I have added the sunken cheeks add on, also a recent release. The sunken cheeks come in 50, 75 and 100% options, I am wearing the 75% in the picture but will definitely spend more time in the 50% in the day to day. It definitely packs a punch when it comes to giving a more dramatic look to a skin. What I like about it most is that it gives a bit of a dimples look without actual dimples, the belief that if I was to break into a big grin right now, there they would be, and I like that a lot.
On a mission to wear less black today I opted for this beautiful combination of soft pink and a deeper rose pink. I love when two different creators do such similar colour palettes that everything just comes together so easily, such was the case again for Fashionably Dead and Elikatira. The top so pretty and feminine with a bra that you can wear under it included is by Fashionably Dead and part of a sleep set, but I was not going to waste that top on bedtime only. The tessa pants give me that wide legged pants look that I love with a soft pleated look that is just lovely…the double belted wrap look is also additional detailing that hits just right. Adding some stunning jewellery pieces by Sigma brought it all together, and these stacked wire bracelets are just awesome, you can have either right or left or both active via the HUD. The hair Drift is from Truth, and the soft waves and luxurious length makes me feel perfectly girly for the day.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD/Library – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.
Poses & Props
Avant Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Genus Morph Head – Genus
Straight – NoseMorph
Heavy – Lipmorph
Round – EyeMorph
Triangle – HeadMorphAppliers:
Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Irene Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve Mainstore
Head and Body BOM Layers:
Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore
Sunken Cheeks, Willow Eyebrows – Nuve Mainstore
Hair Worn:
Drift Hair – TRUTH Mainstore
Sweet Sleep set Bra & Top – Fashionably Dead @ Dubai Event
Tessa Pants – Elikatira Mainstore
Stacked Wire Bracelet, Ethnic Rings – Sigma Mainstore