
The Seasons Story – Winter Wibble


The Seasons Story - Winter 1

The Seasons Story - Winter 2

The Seasons Story - Winter 3

The Seasons Story - Winter 4

Go big or go home, that is what it felt like visiting The Seasons Story the other day with Whimsy. I have been to two others in the past, and I especially loved the train themed one. This one I went into blindly, not having any idea of a theme, and was really excited to visit that way….no pre-screening of any of the items, just fun visiting and looking at everything. Now there are a few things to point out about the event though. They may seem like pros and cons, but the event as a whole is wonderful, so this is just forewarning of what you need to know of. Firstly make sure you have time, lots of time to spend there, looking at everything. Secondly wear as little as you can, and system layers are about all you need, because you will be demoing a lot of great items, and having to undress and redress is just a chore no one needs. Thirdly, make sure you have deep pockets, you are going to need them, you will not get out of here without spending, and rightly so, because I got some fantastic items.

Now in the past it has been you entered and you followed a path, and for the most part you do that this time too, but BE AWARE, this build tricked me big time. I walked out of the landing point building, which is adorable… and into the path, I did my lap to the right – there are rules I have about how I have to navigate things – and only one side first, the other side of the path on the second pass, I cannot left and right as I go, it is just too cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

This is my warning part. I thought I was done, I did my lap, I saw and tried on great things and that was it right ? NO! This event is three tiers of awesome shopping, and if your draw distance is down, as it most likely will be when visiting any popular event, you can completely miss the fact that there is more. I really believed I had done the event, and then saw that those gorgeous arches that I made sure to take a picture of, were in fact leading me to the next section. The build is great, and the tiers mean you only rez where you are at, which is good, but again, I did not think there was more…so I encourage you to always take steps down anything that looks like a pathway or an opening, because you will find treasures.

Almost head to toe is from The Seasons Story. This incredible sweater is a MUST HAVE! I bought it in two of the colours it comes in, and you also get a hud with texture change for the sleeves. The leggings are beautiful long john looking leggings – make sure you demo everything, as these did not fit me at the waist with my body properly, but I knew I would be layering and I just wanted to own them too, but DEMO DEMO DEMO – you should be always demoing all mesh anyway.

Damselfly is the creator of this stunning hair, they have levelled up big time in their store make over – yes these are things I notice – their ads, their styles, everything has a more polished look about it all, and I have always enjoyed the niceness of both creators behind the brand, so fell in love with this style big time.  Always easy to mix and match to co-ordinate, my Glamistry shoes worked really well with this look. At first I was going to make the straps black and the rope ties blue, but settled on this variation instead, the interchangable options of the huds make it so easy for that, especially if you fatpack.

 The Seasons Story

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

Props, Furniture, Build :

Location –

Poses by:



Ellis – LeLutka

Skin Worn:

Charli tone E – Visage and Physique Appliers- Adam n Eve 

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Visage Head, Physique Body- SLink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair


Kristi – Damselfly @ The Seasons Story


Cable knit sweater – Amerie @ The Seasons Story

Shape Leggings Denim – Candy Doll  @ The Seasons Story

Shoes :

ANEMUNA (Slink High Feet addons) – Glamistry



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